

By 1986, Dr. Vickery had identified the major and unidentified cause of spinal and resulting peripheral nerve pains (carpal tunnel, deltoid bursitis, sciatica, wry neck, etc.) as spinal disk degenerative lesions that were unidentifiable by traditional means and are readily found with the CCT and BEV Tests; this is also the source of 99% of all trigger points.

This was presented in 1986 to the ICAK (International College of Applied Kinesiology) in St. Louis and—totally ignored; needless to say, the members of the ICAK are still floundering.

Dr Vickery maintains that the CCT and BEV Tests are the most important orthopedic tests available since they locate the pain source (and can prevent wrong disk operations!) and when treatment is no longer necessary. The muscle functions also return and the trigger points disappear.

In the next and proper order the steps necessary to getting the patient to maintain correct posture and meridian balance is shown with the 16 causes of postural imbalance and the NUTRIENTS necessary to maintain this state. The conditions cause 90% of all doctors to fail such as Ileocecal Valve Malfunctions and its two major causes, Hidden Cervical Disks and how to identify them, and how to identify which nutrient causes which particular CAT 1 Distortions.

The doctors that are now using The Vickery Method are superior to any and all of the other methods in results, cost effectiveness, and patient satisfaction. It is the “open” secret that Dr. Vickery used to build the largest cash wellness practice in New England. It is the ideal primary wellness practice.

Dr. Vickery once more posts a $5000 challenge to any doctor who claims to have a better and more successful method of finding, and healing spinal disk lesions! Let the “shootout begin!”

Product Image Item Name- Price
The Confrmatory Challange Test - DVD©1990

The Confrmatory Challange Test - DVD©1990

This test revolutionized the understanding of back pain. Consistently outperforming the visual tests MRI, CT scan, thermograms and EMG, yet verified...


The BEV Tests - DVD ©1993

The BEV Tests - DVD ©1993

The dream come true! a standing test for the presence of diskal lesions in all three areas of the spine! In just minutes. This Vickery quantum test...


A Straight Patient, 1 of 2 - DVD

A Straight Patient, 1 of 2 - DVD

These videos show the amazing revelations of Cat. 1 distortions being caused by; nutrient deficiencies, infections, mental stress, glandular...


Straight Patient 2 of 2 - DVD

Straight Patient 2 of 2 - DVD

A STRAIGHT PATIENT - ( Part Two of Two ) VHS ©1995 The amazing revelations of Cat 1 distortions being caused by: nutrient deficiencies, infections,...


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