Drug–Resistant MRSA pkgs

The Vickery S.C.V. Drug–Resistant Bacteria Protocol

Massive use of antibiotics to the point where the drug companies want to restrict their use has caused new latent (small colony variants) or s.c.v. Infections of drug resistant Staph, MERSA, Strep, super Strep, tuberculosis, DRTB (drug resistant) bacteria which again cannot be found by traditional means, but easily found by (alternative) energy medicine. These are routinely found IN THE SPINE, ileocecal valve (appendix area) gall bladder, root canal teeth, sinuses etc. We recommend the Vickery S.C.V. Drug–Resistant Bacteria Protocol.

This nutritional support is much more expensive but there is nothing equal to it naturally. Remember: Protein deficiency opens your body to every “bad actor” there is on the planet

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Vickery S.C.V. Drug–Resistant Bacteria Protocol

Vickery S.C.V. Drug–Resistant Bacteria Protocol

Alternative Second Month Back Pain Package One-month package Continuing research has shown that the incidence of drug–resistant bacteria is...


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