Two Edged Sword Diet

Compelling Testimonials

1/10/08 — Pat S.

Dr. Vickery — Just talked to you about asthma and yeast and Sea Aloe Gold and thanks for opening my eyes to the yeast connection. For some reason, I had only considered the fact that coming in contact with mold could be a trigger to breathing problems when, in fact, it is as you said, a yeast infestation in your body (lungs). I just read up on your product and also read up on the connection between yeast (and other factors) on different sites, and thank you for your insight. You are indeed one of God’s healers.
Pat S.

1/10/08 5:04 PM — Deidre S, Dallas, TX

Dear Dr. Vickery,
I found your information on the internet just over a month ago. Finally, something that made sense and fit with what I was experiencing!! I ordered the Fibromyalgia Starter Intensive Care Protocol and started it 5 weeks ago.
I am a 53 year old woman and I’ve probably had FM for at least 10 years -- a doctor diagnosed it over 3 years ago along with PMDD. I was taken off HRT and put on Prozac (20 mg/day) and regular daily doses of Ibuprofen. From your information, I now can see that about 15 years ago I was at the hypoglycemia stage. It grew worse and worse, and particularly worsened when we moved back to the USA 5 years ago (missionaries over in SE Asia for 20 years). My health has steadily declined and I have also become obese.
Until 5 weeks ago, for about 18 months or so, I had been taking Fibro-Response ( ). It helped reduce the pain and fatigue to a point, about 30&ndahs;40% improvement, but after the first several months it hit a plateau. It was still very easy to overdo and become pain ridden and exhausted, though not quite as bad.
In the last 5 weeks since I started your protocol, even though I’ve not been up to completely following your strict diet, there have been some dramatic improvements. I began the process by getting a full–body massage that got some bad kinks worked out of the hips and sciatic area, above and below, and also in front at the hips. Then after the first 5 days on the protocol, a colleague at work noted that the dullness in my face (countenance) was disappearing. At two weeks on the protocol, I noticed that the piercing pains became more of an overall deep soreness. That soreness has now gradually dissipated. I’ve also begun to lose some inches in the abdomen and rear. Just in the last few days I’ve been realizing I can now stand straighter, like my back suddenly is a bit stronger and is not having to slump.
In fact, I was feeling so much better, that I helped my husband two evenings ago work a few hours on my car. I was amazed that nothing hurt. I admit though that I over did it. I was beginning to get pain in my right arm and the right side of my head and was paying for it yesterday. After two hours at work yesterday, my heart started grabbing every few beats and wouldn't let up until I took a nap at home. I know from the past, and it was so this time too, that if my neck is tightened up it sometimes makes my heart do that. After my nap my neck loosened up and my heart rhythm was fine, but I had to take it easy the rest of the day. Today I’ve been on a grocery store trip fine with no problem. So, I see that I still need to be careful to not overdo as I begin to feel better.
I now feel able to do what is needed to follow the strict diet that came with the starter packet, and am starting that today. It will be hard next weekend when I need to travel for my daughter’s graduation, and later in the month to my niece’s wedding, but I’ve got to start while I can!
Thanks so much for they way you have blessed my life already! I look forward to hearing from you.
Deidre S, Dallas, TX

Product Image Item Name- Price
Two Edged Sword Diet

Two Edged Sword Diet

The Two-Edged Sword Diet. Beat the Yeast and Boot the Gluten - over 70 recipes for breakfast, lunch and dinners, plus bonus desserts, salad...


The Vickery Fibromyalgia & Natural Antibiotic Protocol w/ SAG

The Vickery Fibromyalgia & Natural Antibiotic Protocol w/ SAG

The Vickery Fibromyalgia and Natural Antibiotic Protocol w/ Sea Aloe Gold 1 copy of The Two Edged Sword Diet *See below 2 Bottles Platinum Essential...


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