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Thimerosal and Formaldehyde
(Excerpted from Investigate Before You Vaccinate: making an informed decision about vaccination in New Zealand, by Susan Claridge)
While the MoH claim that no scheduled childhood vaccines still contain thimerosal, the ?adult? Diphtheria-Tetanus vaccine which is administered at 11 years contains the controversial preservative, as does the Fluarix vaccine that is currently recommended (although not scheduled) for children six months of age and above. In addition, the adult hepatitis B vaccine (H-B-VAXII) also contains thimerosal.
Thimerosal, also known as thiomersal, is an ethyl mercury sodium salt (49% mercury); mercury is a heavy metal that is extremely toxic. Concerns about the toxicity of mercury in vaccines and links between thimerosal and a vast number of illnesses and disabilities, including neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity, led to calls for thimerosal to be removed from childhood vaccines. It had already been banned by the US FDA in over-the-counter drug preparations because of questions over safety. In the past some babies have been exposed to cumulative levels of mercury that exceed US Environmental Protection Agency recommendations.
Various international agencies agreed in 1999 that thimerosal should be removed from vaccines although existing stocks of vaccines containing the preservative continued to be injected into babies and children. It was revealed in March 2002 that pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly, knew as far back as 1930 that thimerosal was hazardous to people exposed to, or injected with, the compound.
Recent studies show that it inhibits phagocytes, one of the bodies most vital immune defenses in blood. Van?t Veen states that ?the ethylmercury radical of the thiomersal molecule appears to be the prominent sensitiser. The prevalence of thiomersal hypersensitivity in mostly selected populations varies up to 18%, but higher figures have been reported.? Mercury sensitivity, developed through repeated exposure from vaccines is one cause of serious reactions to vaccines.
High-dose exposure to mercury is known to cause catastrophic developmental effects. However, recent research has shown that even low dose exposure can cause developmental problems including impairments in attention, memory, learning, social behavior, and IQ. Bernard at al. write that ?exposure to mercury can cause immune, sensory, neurological, motor, and behavioral dysfunctions similar to traits defining or associated with autism.? They conclude that a review of the medical literature suggests that ?many cases of idiopathic autism are induced by early mercury exposure from thimerosal.? It has also been linked to Alzheimer?s disease.
It is recognised that the individuals most sensitive to thimerosal toxicity are the developing foetus and infants. The danger is greatest when the brain is undergoing its most rapid devolpment (in utero and in infancy), yet the Medical Establishment still recommends that pregnant women and babies should be vaccinated with flu vaccines, all of which contain thimerosal. Research published in the Journal of Pediatrics showed that there was a significant increase in total mercury levels after vaccination in both pre-term and full term babies, but that pre-term infants had the highest post-vaccinal levels.
Mercury is a known developmental toxicant and is suspected to be a cardiovascular or blood toxicant, endocrine toxicant, gastrointestinal or liver toxicant, immunotoxicant, kidney toxicant, neurotoxicant, reproductive toxicant, respiratory toxicant, and skin or sense organ toxicant. It is more hazardous than most chemicals in eight out of nine ranking systems and it is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to human health.
Formaldehyde is used to inactivate viruses and to detoxify bacterial toxins. It is used in most vaccines (except live-virus vaccines); it is also used to embalm corpses, among many other industrial, chemical and pharmaceutical uses. Formaldehyde is an extremely toxic compound and is known to cause cancer in humans and animals. Beall and Ulsamer found that exposure to formaldehyde through injection, inhalation or injestion caused liver toxicity and liver damage.
It is also a suspected gastrointestinal toxicant, immunotoxicant, neurotoxicant, reproductive toxicant, respiratory toxicant, and skin or sense organ toxicant. It is ranked as more hazardous than most chemicals in six out of twelve ranking systems, and is ranked as one of the most hazardous compounds (worst 10%) to human health.
In addition to the toxicity and carcinogenic nature of formaldehyde, there is the serious problem of its erratic efficacy in inactivating viruses, the purpose for which it is used in vaccine manufacture. It has been known since the 1930s that using formaldehyde for inactivating viruses has its dangers but it was the ?Cutter Incident? in 1955 that provided ample evidence of the method?s shortcomings. Cases of paralytic polio following vaccination with the Cutter vaccine led to the discovery that there was active live virus in the supposedly killed virus vaccine manufactured by Cutter.
This is not the only documented failure of formaldehyde to inactivate vaccine viruses. Brown reports that ?recent molecular evidence has now shown that formaldehyde-inactivated Venezuelan equine encephalitis vaccines were the probable cause of the outbreaks of the disease during the 1969-1972 pandemic in Central America.? Brown also discusses similar problems with the veterinary foot-and-mouth vaccine and states that almost all outbreaks in Western Europe in recent years have been caused by vaccines in which the virus was improperly inactivated. These vaccines, with one exception, were prepared with formaldehyde. Bahnemann concurs with Brown, saying that formaldehyde is not an ideal inactivant.
Brown concludes that it is ?remarkable that formaldehyde is still used for the preparation of inactivated vaccines, particularly since it is known that the procedure also affects the immunogenic epitopes of the viruses.?
This failure of formaldehye to inactivate viruses in vaccines has implications for the Medical Establishment?s vehement assertions that killed virus vaccines cannot cause the disease (viz the statement on the IMAC website that the fluarix vaccine, prepared using formaldehyde, cannot cause influenza despite anecdotal evidence that many vaccine recipients develop often severe flu symptoms within days of the vaccination). It is patently obvious that these ?facts? need to be reassessed by the medical and research communities.

The Best Defense | THE DMPS ADVOCATES | Glutathione helps Immune system | Thimerosal and Formaldehyde | Flu Vaccine Not Working | Flu Shots | The Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup