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The Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup 9/22/04. This information is provided by, the world's most visited and trusted natural health website. You
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The Truth Behind the Vaccine Coverup
Dr. Mercola's Comment:
I find it almost incomprehensible that thimerosal, the well-documented, toxic
mercury-containing preservative, is still in many vaccines, years after federal
agencies have mandated that it be removed from vaccines. Most people, physicians
included, don't understand that thimerosal is still used in most vaccines and is
likely one of the major contributing factors to vaccine toxicity.
Mercury is a potent neurotoxin. Injecting it into a child, whose nervous system
is rapidly developing, could have terrible consequences. So, before you decide
to vaccinate your children, do them a favor and look into the many risks and
side effects associated with common childhood vaccines. Doing so could mean the
difference between life and death.
When my colleague and regular columnist, Dr. Russell Blaylock, forwarded me his
latest manuscript, I was shocked and dismayed to read his review of a secret
2000 meeting between CDC officials and scientists about the use of thimerosal. I
believe you will be too which is why I posted his entire manuscript and it will
be posted over the upcoming issues. So please be sure and read the entire
fascinating story.
By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
I was asked to write a paper on some of the newer mechanisms of vaccine damage
to the nervous system, but, in the interim, I came across an incredible document
that should blow the lid off the coverup being engineered by the pharmaceutical
companies in conjunction with powerful governmental agencies.
It all started when a friend of mine sent me a copy of a letter from Congressman
David Weldon (R-Fla.), M.D. to the director of the CDC, Dr Julie L. Gerberding,
in which he alludes to a study by a Dr. Thomas Verstraeten, then representing
the CDC, on the connection between infant exposure to thimerosal-containing
vaccines and neurodevelopmental injury.
In this shocking letter, Weldon refers to Dr. Verstraeten's study which looked
at the data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink and found a significant correlation
between thimerosal exposure via vaccines and several neurodevelopmental
disorders including tics, speech and language delays and possibly to ADD.
Weldon questioned the CDC director as to why, following this meeting, Dr.
Verstraeten published his results, almost four years later, in the journal
Pediatrics to show just the opposite. That is, there was no correlation to any
neurodevelopmental problems related to thimerosal exposure in infants. In his
letter, Weldon refers to a report of the minutes of this meeting held in
Georgia, which exposes some incredible statements by the "experts" making up
this study group.
The group's purpose was to evaluate and discuss Dr. Verstraeten's results and
data and make recommendation that would eventually lead to possible alterations
in the existing vaccine policy.
Pulling Teeth
I contacted Weldon's legislative assistant and he kindly sent me a complete copy
of this report. Now, as usual in these cases, the government did not give up
this report willingly. It required a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to pry
it loose. Having read the report twice and carefully analyzing it, I can see why
they did not want any outsiders to look at it. It is a bombshell, as you shall
In this analysis, I will not only describe and discuss this report, but also
will frequently quote their words directly and supply the exact page number so
others can see for themselves.
The official title of the meeting was the "Scientific Review of Vaccine Safety
Datalink Information." This conference, held on June 7-8, 2000 at the
Simpsonwood Retreat Center, Norcross, Ga., assembled 51 scientists and
physicians of which five represented vaccine manufacturers (Smith Kline Beecham,
Merck, Wyeth, North American Vaccine and Aventis Pasteur).
During this conference, these scientists focused on the study of the Datalink
material, whose main author was Dr. Thomas Verstraesten who identified himself
as working at the National Immunization Program of the CDC.
(It was discovered by Congressman Weldon that Dr. Verstraeten left the CDC
shortly after this conference to work for GlaxoSmithKline in Belgium which
manufacturers vaccines, a recurring pattern that has been given the name a
"revolving door." It is also interesting to note that GlaxoSmithKline was
involved in several lawsuits over complications secondary to their vaccines.)
To start off the meeting Dr. Roger Bernier, Associate Director for Science in
the National Immunization Program (CDC), related some pertinent history. He
stated that congressional action in 1977 required that the FDA review mercury
being used in drugs and biologics (vaccines). In meeting this order, the FDA
called for information from the manufacturers of vaccines and drugs. He notes
that a group of European regulators and manufacturers met on April 1999 and
noted the situation but made no recommendations of changes.
In other words, it was all for show.
The Lid Blown Off
At this point, Dr. Bernier made an incredible statement (page 12). He said, "In
the United States, there was a growing recognition that cumulative exposure may
exceed some of the guidelines." By guidelines, he is referring to those for
mercury exposure safety levels set by several regulatory agencies. The three
guidelines were set by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
(ATSDR), FDA and EPA. The most consistently violated safety guideline was that
set by EPA. He further explains that he is referring to children being exposed
to thimerosal in vaccines.
Based on this realization that they were violating safety guidelines he says,
this then "resulted in a joint statement of the Public Health Service (PHS) and
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in July of last year (1999), which
stated that as a long term goal, it was desirable to remove mercury from
vaccines because it was a potentially preventable source of exposure." (Page 12)
As an aside, one has to wonder, where was the Public Health Service and American
Academy of Pediatrics during all the years of mercury use in vaccines and why
didn't they know that:
They were exceeding regulatory safety levels.
Why weren't they aware of the extensive literature showing deleterious effects
on the developing nervous system of babies?
As we shall see even these "experts" seem to be cloudy on the mercury
An Earlier Meeting
Dr. Bernier notes that in August 1999, a public workshop was held in Bethesda,
Md., at the Lister Auditorium by the National Vaccine Advisory Group and the
Interagency Working Group on Vaccines to consider thimerosal risk in vaccine
use. And based on what was discussed in that conference, thimerosal was removed
from the hepatitis B vaccine (HepB).
It is interesting to note that the media took very little interest in what was
learned at that meeting and it may have been a secret meeting as well. As we
shall see, there is a reason why they struggle to keep the contents of all these
meetings secret from the public.
Bernier then notes, on page 13, that in October 1999, the Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) "looked this situation over again and did not
express a preference for any of the vaccines that were thimerosal free." In this
discussion, he further notes the ACIP concluded that the thimerosal-containing
vaccines could be used but the "long-term goal is to try to remove thimerosal as
soon as possible."
Now, we need to stop and think about what has transpired here. We have an
important group here -- the ACIP -- that essentially plays a role in vaccine
policy that affects tens of millions of children every year. And, we have
evidence from the thimerosal meeting in 1999 that the potential for serious
injury to the infant's brain is so serious that a recommendation for removal
becomes policy.
In addition, they are all fully aware that tiny babies are receiving mercury
doses that exceed even EPA safety limits, yet all they can say is that we must
"try to remove thimerosal as soon as possible?" Do they not worry about the tens
of millions of babies that will continue receiving thimerosal-containing
vaccines until they can get around to stopping the use of thimerosal?
The Obvious Solution
It should also be noted that it is a misnomer to say "removal of thimerosal"
since they are not removing anything. They just plan to stop adding it to future
vaccines once they use up existing stocks, which entails millions of doses. And,
incredibly, the government allows them to do it.
Even more incredibly, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American
Academy of Family Practice similarly endorse this insane policy. In fact, they
specifically state that children should continue to receive the
thimerosal-containing vaccines until new thimerosal-free vaccines can be
manufactured at the will of the manufacturers. Are they afraid that there will
be a sudden diphtheria epidemic in America or tetanus epidemic?
The most obvious solution was to use only single-dose vials, which requires no
preservative. So why don't they use them?
Oh, they exclaim, it would add to the cost of the vaccine. Of course, we are
only talking about a few dollars per vaccine at most, certainly worth the health
of your child's brain and future. They could use some of the hundreds of
millions of dollars they waste on vaccine promotion every year to cover these
costs for the poor. Then, that would cut into some "fat cat's" budget and we
can't have that.
It was disclosed that thimerosal was in all influenza vaccines, DPT (and most
DtaP) vaccines and all HepB vaccines.
As they begin to concentrate on the problem at hand we first begin to learn that
the greatest problem with the meeting is that, they know virtually nothing about
what they are doing. On page 15, for example, they admit that there is very
little pharmacokinetic data on ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal.
In fact, they say there is no data on excretion and the data on toxicity is
sparse. Yet it is recognized to cause hypersensitivity, neurological problems
and even death, and it is known to easily pass the blood-brain and placental
No Research?
Therefore, what they are admitting is that we have a form of mercury
that has been used in vaccines since the 1930s and no one has
bothered to study its effects on biological systems, especially the
brain of infants. Their defense throughout this conference is "We
just don't know the effects of ethylmercury." As a solution, they
resort to studies on methylmercury, because there are thousands of
studies on this form of mercury. The major source of this form is
seafood consumption.
It takes them a while to get the two forms of mercury straight,
since for several pages of the report they say methylmercury is in
thimerosal rather than ethylmercury. They can be forgiven for this.
On page 16, Dr. Johnson, an immunologist and pediatrician at the
University of Colorado School of Medicine and the National Jewish
Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine, notes that he would
like to see the incorporation of wide margins of safety, that is 3
to 10-fold margins of safety to "account for data uncertainties."
What he means: There are so many things we do not know about this
toxin that we had better use very wide margins of safety. For most
substances, the FDA uses a 100-fold margin of safety.
The reason for this, which they do not mention, is that in a society
of hundreds of millions of people, there are groups of people who
are much more sensitive to the toxin than others. For instance:
The elderly
Chronically ill
Nutritionally deficient
Small babies
Premature babies
People on certain medications
Inborn defects in detoxification
In fact, in this study they excluded premature babies and low birth
weight babies from the main study, some of which had the highest
mercury levels, because they would be hard to study and because they
had the most developmental problems related to the mercury.
Who Are You?
On page 16, Dr. Johnson makes an incredible statement, one that
defines the problem we have in this country with the promoters of
these vaccines. "As an aside, we found a cultural difference between
vaccinologist and environmental health people in that many of us in
the vaccine arena have never thought about uncertainty factors
before. We tend to be relatively concrete in our thinking."
Then he says, "One of the big cultural events in that meeting -- was
when Dr. Clarkson repetitively pointed out to us that we just didn't
get it about uncertainty, and he was actually quite right."
This is an incredible admission. First, what is a vaccinologist? Do
you go to school to learn to be one? How many years of residency
training are required to be a vaccinologist? Are there board exams?
It's a stupid term used to describe people who are obsessed with
vaccines, not that they actually study the effects of the vaccines,
as we shall see throughout this meeting.
Most important is the admission by Dr. Johnson that he and his
fellow "vaccinologists" are so blinded by their obsession with
forcing vaccines on society that they never even considered that
there might be factors involved that could greatly affect human
health, the so-called "uncertainties."
Further, he and his fellow "vaccinologists" like to think in
concrete terms. That is, they are very narrow in their thinking and
wear blinders that prevent them from seeing the numerous problems
occurring with large numbers of vaccination in infants and children.
Their goal in life is to vaccinate as many people as possible with
an ever-growing number of vaccines.
On page 17, his "concrete thinking" once again takes over. He refers
to the Bethesda meeting on thimerosal safety issues and says, "There
was no evidence of a problem, only a theoretical concern that young
infants' developing brains were being exposed to an
organomercurial." Of course, as I shall point out later, it is a lot
more than a "theoretical concern."
He then continues by saying, "We agree that while there was no
evidence of a problem the increasing number of vaccine injections
given to infants was increasing the theoretical mercury exposure
The Ultimate Irony
It's hard to conceive of a true scientist not seeing the incredible
irony of these statements.
Medical literature is abound with studies on the deleterious effects
of mercury on numerous enzymes, mitochondrial energy production,
synaptic function, dendritic retraction, neurotubule dissolution and
excitotoxicity. Yet, he sees only a "theoretical risk" associated
with an ever increasing addition of thimerosal-containing vaccines.
It is also important to note that these geniuses never even saw a
problem in the first place. It was pressure from outside scientists,
parents of affected children and groups representing them that
pointed out the problem. They were, in essence, reacting to pressure
from outside the "vaccinologist club" and not discovering internally
that a problem "might" exist.
In fact, if these outside groups had not become involved, these
"vaccinologists" would have continued to add more and more
mercury-containing vaccines to the list of required vaccines. Only
when the problem became so obvious -- that is of epidemic proportion
(close to that now) and the legal profession became involved --
would they have even noticed there was a problem. This is a
recurring theme in the government's regulatory agencies, as
witnessed with fluoride, aspartame, MSG, dioxin and pesticides
It is also interesting that Dr. Johnson did admit that the greatest
risk was among low birth weight infants and premature infants. Now
why would that be if there existed such a large margin of safety
with mercury used in vaccines? Could just a few pounds of body
weight make such a dramatic difference?
In fact, it does but it also means that normal birth weight
children, especially those near the low range of normal birth
weight, are also in greater danger. It also would mean that children
receiving doses of mercury higher than the 72 ug in this study would
be at high risk as well because their dose, based on body weight,
would be comparable to that of the low birth weight child receiving
the lower dose.
This was never even considered by these "vaccinologist experts" who
decide policy for your children.
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the journal Pediatrics should have been willing to disclose this
information once it was brought to their attention but they would
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My References
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Blaylock RL. Chronic microglial activation and excitotoxicity
secondary to excessive immune stimulation: possible factors in
Gulf War Syndrome and autism. J Amer Phys Surg 9: 46-51, 2004.
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