In Memorium
Marilyn Vickery
Co-Founder and immediate past Vice President
More information below:
Shellhouse Funeral Home
Benjie here,
It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that I must report
the death of my friend and colleague, Eve Pekalla. Her sudden
loss is a great shock to me and everyone at SuperNutrient.
Please send your thoughts and prayers to Eve's husband, Steve, sons, Luukas and Mikko, and to Dr. Vickery. Eve was Doc’s right hand and our good friend. Godspeed, Eve
Psalm 73:26

One can wonder why some can touch others with grace so big it is admirable and desired to be around them. Eve was a woman for others; full of grace.
I, as many of you, was only privileged to know Eve on the testing side of the phone. Though think! What is a friendship? Never even able to hug Eve physically, she made it happen by her extra emails, explaining a pathway, or getting right back to you when in need. A truly rare Woman. I loved Eve, and realized this before the sad news of her passing but how impacted I was losing her care. My heart is heavy and my tear bags are full for my time left on earth I sure will miss her. I will miss her sincere way of going above and beyond to help me understand how and what we were doing to move toward wellness (her ultimate goal; get others well)! You are loved, Eve, by all! Though your Lord and Savior whom needs you now will only be proud to have such a woman by his side!
I pray for those in need of healing, those in need of jobs, but most of all Those in need of You, Lord!
I am making a donation of 500$ in Eve's name to SUPERNUTRIENT; as all whom are faithful to your protocol and achieving wellness through all the team at SUPERNUTRIENT, in memory of Eve Pekalla.
Rest in His Holiness Eve~
Kimberly Archibald