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Newsletter #35 - Flu and The "Spin on Flu"
Flu and The “Spin on Flu”
In early 2012, we (Eve Pekkala: My assistant, my research genius, before she passed away) became aware of flu types that were going to show up possibly later in the year. The vaccine companies were doing the same thing and usually got big profits whether they were right or wrong.
We ended up watching the Novel Reassortant Influenza A H3N2 viruses. This is thought to be of swine origin and early conclusions since 2005 were that persons had to be in the actual areas were pigs were kept. Since 2005, cases reported to the CDC (swine flu) were 18, but 3 of these were trH3N2. It was observed that direct exposure to pigs was necessary. There are four main influenza type A virus subtypes isolated in pigs: H1N1, H1N2, H3N2, H3N1. Most flu viruses circulating in pigs are referred to as “triple-reassortant” viruses because THESE FLU VIRUSES CONTAIN GENES FROM HUMAN, SWINE, AND AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUSES!
They say that you cannot get swine influenza; that it is not transmissible to humans by food: you can’t get it from eating pork or pork products; eating properly handled and cooked pork is safe. (I would seriously put that on hold!)
The trH3N2 viruses are different from the 2009 H1N1circulating in the US since April 2009. They are also different than the human seasonal influenza A (H3N2) viruses. trH3N2 emerged in the late 1990’s from human seasonal H3N2. The reports stated that it was unlikely that it would spread from pigs to humans!
Since the gigantic CDC, Pharma, Agra, political combine in their own literature that this epidemic was possibly coming and if teeney -weeney US can figure it out what did they cover with their vaccine production that they have been seducing the American people with for over a year?
Let me quote rather liberally from Dr. Mercola who is what I call a fearless advocate for the truth (taking on even “Evil Monsanto”, who maintains a reported 60 man “hit squad” against farmers).
Story at-a glance:
- To speed up flu vaccine production, the US FDA has approved a new insect –based, GENETICALLY ENGINEERED flu vaccine grown in cultures of dog kidney-calls rather than eggs
- This year’s flu vaccine contains a very good match to the circulating strains, yet the reported efficiency of the vaccine is only slightly over 60%.
- In a wholly irresponsible move, some “health experts” are now proclaiming the conventional egg-based flu vaccine safe for those with severe egg allergies, and that the benefit of the flu vaccine outweighs the potential risk of anaphylaxis.
- According to a recent review of published research, flu vaccines are ineffective at best and produce NEUROLOGICAL COMPLICATIONS at worst? (HOW ABOUT DEATH?), and hospitalizations or working days lost. For infants, inactivated flu vaccine was found to have the same ineffectiveness as a placebo. (caps are mine- BEV)
Dr. Mercola also gave a list of rational fight-the-flu-measures. I differ with the first beneficial and the last as being the most infected foods revealed in our testing of foods: Avocados ------ and nuts! Nutritional value is meaningless if you have Crohn’s and Celiac and mal-absorption!
Reuters reports 800 cases of narcolepsy after being injected with Pandemix HIN1 swine flu vaccine manufactured by British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline in 2009. Finland, Norway, Ireland have seen spikes in narcolepsy cases, and Britain is about to release a study with similar results. The symptoms here are hallucinations and nightmares. Sometimes when they wake up , they are unable to breath properly or call for help. During the day they barely stay awake and are often unable to attend school. Most European countries have now banned this vaccine.
As people and parents it is difficult to know what to do and unless you know your nutritional-health status it is impossible to give you advice. But it is a good bet that most of the people that died during this epidemic were nutrionally deficient and immune depressed. In fact, since this flu is more difficult, it can deplete your stores even when you start the battle with enough to operate on a daily basis. Battle takes tons of bullets!
In forming your opinions, do NOT rely on the government’s information, TV or other news, famous doctors, pharma commercials, but go to the web and get (when you sift), the truth.
I’ve got to end this with a maliciously funny story. I was sent a video of Dr. Oz and he was preparing Piers Morgan for a flu shot. They were preparing the DUMB sheeple, like a pair of Judas Goats! I had never seen doctor Oz and he’s an OK looking person, and I understand that he was – performing.
After an extended dialogue he put the needle in this socialistic import from the UK, who complained loudly when stuck with the needle!
The best part came when my daughter told me that P Morgan was out sick for some days afterward. Believe me when I tell you! God is looking out for his people! Amen!
Newsletter #34
If you don’t have a sense of life in general, political divisions and antagonisms, disinformation by our government and ALL of its departments, spin on any event by the President and his minions, and his opponents — all, ALL, are speeding up and intensifying, then enjoy your retirement and the news channels that you watch and DON’T change them! Don’t worry about your investments, your IRA, etc., because they will make it even safer than it is now. Those Muslims killing and raping our embassies people around the world are only a temporary glitch that our President will certainly, some time, bring under control.
THE POINT. Bad as these things are, and we all know that it is starting to look like WW lll, we have observed a change in our environment that is similar, quieter, improperly observed, belatedly reported and inadequately addressed.
Chronic illnesses and diseases are skyrocketing and the center of the problem is the same no matter what the various manifestations. Infection of the stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, gallbladder, ileocecal valve, sinuses, ears, teeth, kidneys, eyes, lungs and bronchi, are ultimately and directly related to foodborne infections—which are escalating at an astonishing pace!
More and more of our food is imported. You think that our standards are low?! A reported 60% of our imported food comes from China. Most of our FDA/USDA foods are either infected with mycotoxins from yeast, fungus, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, metals, and now GMO, BT-corn, and other toxins! Milk, cream and dairy are usually infected and eggs are certain to be infected when you eat many! Some examples of the bacteria we find are Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, Listeria, Clostridium difficile. Clostridium perfringens, Salmonella, Brucella, MRSA, Yersinia enterolitica, various Hemolytic-uremic varieties of E. Coli, and Botulism, just to name a few. For the viruses we find Norovirus, Rotavirus and Herpes 1–7. For the fungus we find Candida, and Cryptococci. For molds we find several, such as stachybotrys (black mold), and their corresponding toxins such as satratoxin, ochratoxin and aflatoxin. For the metals we find cadmium, arsenic, mercury, lead and aluminum.
Because of the increased difficulty in getting the necessary nutrients into persons living with Celiac, Crohn’s and a myriad of ill-defined IBS, diarrhea, constipation complaints, we found that even our Platinum Essential Amino Acids Plus® may not be absorbed because of an inflamed, grossly swollen, intestinal lining, which we can measure, called mucoid plaque. This is our gold standard for the mal-absorption which is the beginning of the gradual, total disasters that may follow. If you can name it, these people have it–will have it–and will live with it in a downward spiral to increasing loss of their functions, and many living on medicines just to function at all.
So we now have been able to understand why a couple of years ago we would see people were able to start right out on the FM-Natural Antibiotic program #1 and throw out toxic metals, viruses, bacteria, fungi, in 3–6 months. (Look on the charts on the website–and the dates!) Now the rule is that most will have go on pretox/detox even to get their gut to function. Now you have a glimpse of the reasons why the cancer rates have increased and will certainly continue in that direction.
You can now know that the reason we have not made a YouTube for a year and a half is that instead of locating the “bottom” of the “iceberg” we drilled right into the heart of it! Talk about “Fast and Furious”! OOPS! Not politically correct!
We’ve already told you that medicine has about “run out it’s string with the antibiotics and in desperation have to use combinations, hoping they catch the correct bacteria and not even knowing there may be a COMBINE of bacteria involved!
We have been able to turn this disastrous situation around with what we call “GRANDMA’S LASER REMEDY!”
(In fairness you should know that only people that we are actively consulting with have a confidential access to an infected/uninfected foods list that they cannot give to anyone else or they will be excommunicated!)
THIS WILL BE SOLD ONLY BY PHONE. IT IS SO GOOD, EFFECTIVE, AND HARMLESS, that the drug empires will have fits of apoplexy and rage if they new about our information and the latest research on the planet that we have JUST ACCOMPLISHED!
It is now flying off the shelves as our best customers are telling others and their families too! So it’s an OPEN SECRET.
Besides the underground infectious catastrophe that is happening every day, you should have a GOOD supply of GLR on hand in the event you can’t get medical help! Total breakdown in services and food supply can happen at any time- NO WARNING!
May OUR God of all truth BLESS YOU ALL!
Brice E Vickery DC, MDn
Newsletter #33 - GMO
Newsletter #32 - The Tip of the Iceberg.
The Tip of the Iceberg.
About a year and a half late, after starting on the proverbial Iceberg, we will take time to report some of the results of the activities that have kept us “glued” to the research. This report was originally intended to deal with the top ten of the causes of death and to show their relationships with underlying causes such as, infections, drug treatments, age, sex, and the underlying deficiencies which are present in all conditions except trauma as causative factors.
Multiple infections in the same case which our testing methods always, ALWAYS, reveal is gaining credence in various parts of the world. American medicine has always had a problem with this calling them, “possible”, “LATENT” infections. In Europe, where medicine seems to be more honest, the BBC News reports: “Antibiotic resistant infections have reached unprecedented levels and now outstrip our ability to fight them with existing drugs. European health experts are warning:
Each year in the EU over 25,000 die of bacterial infections that are able to OUTSMART even the newest antibiotics.
The World Health Organization says,
“…the situation has reached a critical point. A united push to make new drugs is urgently needed…“
Without a concerted effort, people could be dealing with the “nightmare scenario” of a worldwide spread of UNTREATABLE INFECTIONS…
You may not have heard about the TB “outbreak” in Florida. Apparently, to save money, the state shut down the hospital that dealt mostly with TB cases. Reporters, who were finally doing the investigative job they use to do, started digging, and unearthed the smell of a cover up.
Here is the last example and a site that you should bookmark. There are still people who want to do the RIGHT THING!
From their page:
Two E. coli Outbreaks, No Advice To Consumers
July 20, 2012 By Carla Gillespie Leave a Comment
Two E.coli outbreaks were in the news this week: one because it was declared officially over by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the other because the likely source of the outbreak was revealed months after people became ill. The outbreaks, which together sickened dozens of people and claimed the life of one young girl, were caused by different strains of E. coli but they had one thing in common: while they were ongoing, officials weren’t able to give consumers any food safety advice.
We have acheived great success with fibromyalgia and hosts of even more complicated conditions for years. When people were found to be not only not responding as expected but were actually moving BACKWARDS;, that really got our attention and started a crash program to get to the bottom of what was happening! (The bottom of the iceberg?)
What we found was startling! People that had successfully brought back their immune systems and thrown off all kinds of conditions from simple spinal disk and cartilage degenerations, (back pain, joint pains, FM pain, etc.) were found NOT able to absorb our premier, stellar, game winning, PATENTED, PROTEIN MYSTERY SOLVING, PLATINUM ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS PLUS! This was catastrophe!
We found that the cause was intestinal INFLAMMATION AND VARIOUS FOOD POISONING BACTERIA, BACTERIAL, MOLD, AND MYCOTOXINS and as a result of these, metals were building up which had been previously eliminated.
The return of Celiac, Chrohn’s, and a condition called mucoid plaque was the clincher. This is the thickening inflammation causing heavy mucous to block the intestine from absorbing nutrients. In effect it is like shoving a plastic tube down your gullet so that nutrients are shut OUT!
Furthermore, we found, by constant food testing, that our food supply contains the BEST OF THE BEST, DRUG RESISTANT, TOXIN PRODUCING BACTERIA THAT MEDICINE CAN PRODUCE! Try things like vancomycin resistant enterococcus (VRE), salmonella, listeria, shigella, and C. Difficile.
However we have found some “New Champions!”
One we call ”Dirt” and the other is an old remedy with new clothes on! Every family should have a reserve supply of these things because the time is close upon us when you will have to supply your own bug killer and this one kills 640 known pathogens including the one that vancomycin CAN’T!
The semi-secrecy was mandated by big pharma and the FDA who want to monopolize the trillion dollar antibiotic industry and suppress, “This Old (new) tried and tested remedy that creates N0 BACTERIAL RESISTANCE!
This will never appear on our website–Phone calls only! Existing customers ONLY!
This is not politically correct but:
God Bless You All!
Brice E Vickery. D.C. N.D.m
Newsletter #31 - Two Subjects
It has been a while since we have made any communication by either E mail or by You tube. That is not because nothing is going on but, almost TOO much is going on! Let me explain:
In examining the body systems and the pathogens that attack these body systems there is a ever widening discovery of what people walk around with in their bodies and what the levels of systems function are that have allowed these adaptations to take place.
For instance way back when MRSA staph scared us with it’s ability to resist many top line antibiotics we found that it could not resist a person who was adequately supplied with what the immune system required OR, when that immune system had supplied to it what was LOW or USED UP due to the INCREASED demands. This is one of the areas that is almost totally lacking in medicine; HOWEVER, the boys and girls of medicine are now admitting that they are coming to the end of their string and even the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION ADMITS THIS!
We had a case where a grandmother was in ICU and was receiving certain antibiotics and was sinking fast. Her kidneys were shutting down and kidney dialysis was being considered. We gave the daughter the information that the CDC had a warning out for this infection and NOT to give antibiotics in this condition! The doctors checked on this, with drew the drug, flushed her kidneys, and the next day, she was sitting up and having a normal breakfast. Heaven sent information!
Well, we have been dealing with a bacteria that makes MRSA look like a pussycat, it has 20 or more toxins, shuts down body functions including fat and carbohydrate digestion, and appears in what seems to be in conjunction with a whole viral family. This one is different and it requires TOTAL WAR! We don?t usually talk about these until we see people getting well and that has now started to happen. When we are satisfied, we will include it in our “Tip Of The Iceberg” series on YouTube.
There is a connection to the “Occupy Wall Street”. Facebook etc. that is not generally known. An anonymous author in Adbusters, a Canadian magazine and website that is generally credited with getting the Occupy Wall Street ball rolling and is best known for a 2004 anti-Semitic essay. After going through other ridiculous ideas the author landed on “END THE MONIED CORRUPTION OF AMERICA MANIFESTO.”
Enter Chris Hedges, former foreign correspondent for the New York Times a leading “intellectual” in a front-page column in the Occupied Wall Street Journal wrote: “Why the Elites Are in Trouble” in a diatribe about the JP Morgan Chase gave the New York Police Foundation 4.6 million. Blinded by their self-importance, impervious to human suffering, bloated from unchecked greed and privilege they were about to be taught the folly of hubris.“ (Is he a Marxist or what?)
He is a columnist for, a website dedicated to digging deeper and asking “the questions that remain to be asked.“ Here’s the chain:
The money behind Truthdig come from Zuade Kaufman. Kaufman, one of the nation’s premier homebuilders, K B Homes, has a market value of $515 million. Where would Truthdig be without good ole-fashioned capitalism?
The preferred methods for Occupy Wall Street are powerhouses like Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. Their pages are ablaze of commentary, pictures and the latest goings-on.
These companies are backed by wealthy venture capitalists expecting to become wealthier. Facebook is backed by Goldman Sachs Group Inc., worth $100 billion (Mark Zuckerberg about $17.5 billion) because so many people around the world are willing to share their private musings with their friends (and with Facebook) for free?!
I apologize to my many friends for ending this relationship so abruptly and for not having the time to even go to Facebook (or my own email) See subject # 1!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Dr. Brice E. Vickery
Newsletter #30 - Your Health In Changing Tides
Your Health In Changing Tides
Newsletter #32
Where your mind is–that is how you approach what is necessary for you to do to maintain health. It is s now MORE important than ever! You have to realize the two major philosophies: DRUG ‘EM or FEED ‘EM.
Shortly, we will get back to producing more Youtubes, which will address these differences in more detail. However certain topics have been presented by Dr. David Williams in his newsletter, “Alternatives” which is in agreement with our findings and demonstrate the sometimes-Machiavellian nature of Big Pharma/Medicine, which is Quick Fix, Control and Dollars. Did you know that big pharma spent millions of dollars supporting Obamacare? That’s right, Sheeple!
DRUG ‘EM is medicine. It has held sway for most of my professional career. I saw penicillin introduced as a miraculous wonder drug, which indeed saved millions of lives. It took a long time before there was realization that a RESISTANCE has developed among the bacterial population. Without going into the constant evolution and classes of antibiotics let’s jump to the present day scenario: Bacteria passing the intelligence and the tools to thwart the most potent antibiotics that medicine has developed. Two industries are responsible for this dilemma, medicine and agriculture. Medicine assumes that infections are bacterial when over 1/2 may be viral. Therefore the virus can enter the host and become part of a LARGE LATENT army of pathogens which disrupt the metabolism, cause chronic inflammation (which is one of today’s MAJOR KILLERS) and send life into a slowly descending spiral which is called chronic disease. Like fibromyalgia—they don’t fit into the medical basket so medicine feeds them appropriate drugs to EASE THE SYMPTOMS, never understanding the chronic, complaining patient, that they can’t identify any causes to blame. There are millions upon millions OF THESE PEOPLE.
ALL OF THESE PEOPLE HAVE NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENICIES—NEVER IDENTIFIED—OR SOUGHT AFTER! This is true for all the major diseases that are listed as the main causes of death in the statistics.
FEED ‘EM is natural. Alternative Medicine largely works with NORMALIZING metabolic processes, which in turn is largely restored by IDENTIFYING AND SUPPLYING nutritional imbalances of ALL descriptions. ALL of you know about the protein/amino acids/enzyme deficiencies that I have been presenting for 37 years now and it may have enlightened the “Medical Herd” a fraction of 1%! What the FEW accomplish and is an actual CURE! This a forbidden word by the FDA, The CDC, and the AMA – because they NEVER ACCOMPLISH ONE!
In line with this the average person who takes our Fibromyalgia and Natural Antibiotic Packages for the recommended sequential monthly treatments (and who does not have Celiac/Crohn’s Mal-absorption) get rid of their metals including mercury on average of three months WITHOUT TAKING A LONG AND COSTLY ($5,000) CHELATION SERIES WHICH STILL LEAVES MOST OF THE MERCURY –––IN THE BRAIN!.
I think that you will appreciate this YouTube—NOW!
Keep the Faith!
Newsletter #29 - IODINE PANIC OF 2011
Iodine is a mineral that we have already done a ton of research on for quite a few years. We arrived at our standards as a result of a group of doctors that have advanced the research of iodine in the last few years. We in essence agree with them. WE DO NOT, HOWEVER, AGREE WITH THEIR IODINE THERAPY, SUCH AS IODORAL.
Potassium iodide has it’s vast number of supporters. All of these do NOT do energetic testing and therefore DO NOT SEEM TO REALIZE THAT WHEN INITIALLY TAKEN, iodoral etc., can be beneficial because the body is SCREAMING FOR IODINE, IT BECOMES TOXIC WITHIN A FEW DAYS OR WEEKS!
THAT IS WHY WE ALWAYS USE OUR VICKERY SEA PLANT MINERALS AND GLYCONUTRIENTS OR SEA-ALOE GOLD. These have the two forms of iodine in combination with the natural sugars and other minerals found in our organic seaweed.
The panic that the Japanese atomic threat has caused should not shake our longtime customers but those of you who have recently joined us may not know this history. There for these Iodine articles may be found on where I am a founding author, and our under Articles.
Hope this saves you some anxiety!
Newsletter #28 - Year's End 2010
The end of the Year of Our Lord 2010 #28 We are reminded of the fact that we have celebrated the birth of the God-Man, Jesus Christ, who came to change the World. We thank him for his continued blessings and the light that He continually shines into our lives and our efforts to restore health to those who are in a state of chronic, debilitating, and often improperly diagnosed or insufficiently diagnosed conditions. The power of BIOAVAILABLE proper nutritional maintenance and ADJUSTMENTS is now clearly and constantly proven in every case that we see as success constantly crowns our efforts – sometimes easily, but in 20-30 year cases, like the “Battle of the Bulge!” The misdiagnosis or insufficient diagnosis that we constantly see is rampant. Case in point: A close associate who was taking our supplements on a random, haphazard way and who had even stopped them recently had developed a swelling in the right side of his neck to the extent vertically of about 4-5 inches. The x-rays that were taken etc. led the doctors to conclude that this was arthritis. Even though there is no joint where the swelling in the musculature and soft tissues out to the skin! (arthro = joint and itis= inflammation). Boy! What a diagnosis! Our brief exam showed deficiency of Amino Acids and sulfur, high Celiac/Chron’s with high antibodies of endomycial and antiganglioside, and possible malabsorption syndrome. There was also infection with MAP ( Mycobacterium Avian Para Tuberculosis). Also Candida and Candida toxin acetaldehyde. The antibodies were attacking the infected, inflamed area. The Platinum Plus and other nutrition as well as our “Two-Edged Diet” were implemented. This will be resolved. The common thinking is that nutritional supplementation is a good thing but when you have problems the medical approach by a “real” doctor is the way to go. What is no known is that when the nutritional elements are assessed properly, there are found to be severe deficiencies and distortions. The single and largest deficiency without exception continues to be addressed by our Platinum Essential Amino Acids Plus®. Why? There are thousands of enzyme pathways that command ALL of the functions of the body. We are talking about liver functions (over a thousand now) and directly influences things like the bile pathways. There are many enzymes in this pathway and EVERY ONE OF THESE ENZYMES IS 40-62% essential amino acids. Then think about thyroid, digestive, hormonal, circulatory, respiratory etc. functions and you can then realize why Platinum Plus is one of the World’s premier product is health restoration and maintenance. Then realize that all the doctors don’t even think about this and remain IGNORANT. Yes, even though this has been put out there for thirty plus years they are still IGNORANT! The people are the losers. We are happy that you have “latched on” to this information and that you continue to benefit. So have a Happy and Healthful New Year. Brice E. Vickery, D.C., N.D.m
If the American people are STUPID enough to let 12 or more million possibly disease-infested, non-English speaking, ignorant peoples, enter our country from countries that historically are corrupt, unstable, and ridden with criminality, and a different or lacking moral code, they deserve WHAT THEY MAY GET!
Since you can’t get the truth out of our government anymore there are facts out there that you should know. (These are from a news source that I will not disclose.)
“While crowded emergency rooms cater to illegal aliens and political correctness (insanity) paying customers are forced to wait “their turn” for treatment, Generally overlooked alerts from the Centers of Disease Control, National Institutes of Health, CNN, and other sources all confirm the worst:
NEARLY 20,00 AMERICANS PER YEAR are now dying from antibiotic-resistant “super-bugs” and other killer infections and parasites. Even bedbugs, tuberculosis and leprosy have hitched a ride back into the U.S.A. This shocking toll includes many young healthy adults and surpasses the AIDS count.”
(He warns us—these facts might make us sick. But not reading them can Kill you.)
Recently reported in the American Journal of Physicians and Surgeons, Illegal aliens’ assault on medicine muse now rouse Americans to alert and alarm…Many illegal aliens harbor diseases that American medicine vanquished LONG AGO, such as drug-resistant TB, malaria, leprosy, PLAGUE, polio, and Chagas disease, a dreadful parasitic infection.
94,000+ life threatening MRSA kill 18,650 people annually as of this year, the CDC reports. In 1997 the number of fatalities from MERSA was –FOUR!
The FIRST THING that you can do is to VOTE THE SOCIALIST, COMMUNIST, MARXIST administration out of office that wants to destroy this formerly fabulous country! The rest we talk about every day! Our customers are protected!
Newsletter #26 - Book Offer
We know that a lot of you do not want to receive our newsletter. However, we mailed this newsletter just recently and have a few books left that we thought that you might want to avail yourself of. If you have not considered your “Eternal Rewards” this book will help you. Secondly, it is a good chance to check up on your current email address because if we don’t have it you will NOT be advised when we announce our annual SALE.
Hello again:
Hell may be an odd subject for a newsletter. But when you realize that health and healing are are all inclusive of body, mind and Spirit,you may step back and take a new look.
The book “23 Minutes in Hell” which was a New York Times Bestseller caught my attention – and set me back, how far I don’t know, for a whole weekend! I not only read the book but looked up the references too.
If you are a Bible reader like me, you will suddenly realize the you have skipped over hundreds of times,references to “the pit”, “where the worm dieth not” and “wailing and grinding of teeth.” When I read Bill Wiese’s journey into the nether regions explaining the utter hopelessness, pain, remorse, and the STENCH above anything that we can imagine,I decided that I would not want my worst enemy to go to hell, let alone the people with really hopeless conditions that we deal with every day.
So, we began to give out copies of the book to people that we consult. So far no one has either sent it back or said that they were not REALLY impressed. Most of them agree with me that how you view hell can define your belief in God, Jesus, and your worldview. Your worldview defines how you live, play, and vote. With these crucial elections coming up it will be interesting to see if people can define who they are voting for: God or the Devil! Now you know—that I don’t have much fear! So everyone, whatever their inclinations has enjoyed reading the book. I make the offer now to all of our newsletter readers to accept our offer to send you a copy, free, as long as they last. This is phone order only and will close when we run out of our second order of books. Please call, 803-644-0607. We hope it sheds more light in your life!
God Bless! Brice. E. Vickery,D.C., N.D.m
Newsletter #25 - Fibromyalgia - Ho Hum!
With all of the chaos going on in our world,and diseases increasing here is news that I always find amusing I hope you do too, especially since great numbers of you are now POST FIBROMYALGIA. You can see what I see and have for years: The same old whirpool that people going to traditional doctors are STILL SPINNING ROUND AND ROUND IN! Health Tip: If You Have Fibromyalgia Here's a list of possible contributing factors (HealthDay News) -- Fibromyalgia is a condition characterized by pain throughout the body, and "tender points" of particular pain. While the exact cause of fibromyalgia isn't known, the U.S. National Women's Health Information Center offers this list of possible contributing factors: Having a close family member who also has fibromyalgia. Having been in a car accident. Having a repetitive stress injury from performing the same activity repeatedly. Having an infection or chronic illness. Being sent to war. -- Diana Kohnle
Newsletter #24 - They Lie About The Gulf
Heads Up! This is about your health! And a lying US Government! This is one of the daily reports we get from around the world. The "Police State" now run by a foreign power, BP is apparently backed by Homeland Seurity - whatever that is! I think tha allof our citizens should be aware of this toxic "waste dump". They say that ALL of the workers who worked on the Valdez disaster are now dead! RSOE EDIS ALERTMAIL Situation Update No. 21 Posted:2010-05-03, 16:22:58 [UTC] ED-20100503-25936-USA Situation Update No. 21 On 2010-06-29 at 16:46:18 [UTC] Event: Enviroment Pollution Location: USA MultiStates States of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida Situation: The surf line at Pensacola Beach in the Florida panhandle is bubbling with toxic acids as if it was boiling. The combination of Methane gasses, oil and large amounts of Corexit are now spoiling the once pristine white beaches in the panhandle. The view is atrocious with a large amount of oil slick and dirt spread all over the beach as far as the eye can see. Now the toxic acids and the chemical reaction between Methane and Corexit9500 reach the shores with the surf. The chemical compounds are evaporating directly in the air which makes the entire environment unsafe and hazardous when inhaled. Exposure to the mixture and specifically Corexit9500 and Corexit9527 will cause permanent damage to red blood cells, known as Hemolysis, as well as liver and kidneys. More such occurrences are expected along the western beaches of Florida as the Gulf Stream carries a large amount of the toxic chemical compounds in its path and close to shore. The live video footage is incomprehensible and unimaginable. The long-term damage can only be estimated but not accurately be factored in. The damage to maritime wildlife has already been done and continues to increase the daily death rate of birds, turtles and mammals. The number of deaths among the bull nose dolphins, whose natural habitat is the Gulf of Mexico has tripled just in the last month alone. About 80% of the world’s dolphin population calls the Gulf their home. One can only imagine what awaits the whales in the fall as they make their way from the cold waters of the north towards the Gulf of Mexico to calf during the winter months. BP claims that the air is safe to breathe during cleanup and refuses to provide protective gear to the local fishermen. Nalco, the manufacturer of Corexit, continues to state that their product is safe for human beings and the toxicity levels are low. It does not seem that the shorelines are safe for any human being and certainly not the surf. Keep Your Powder Dry! Brice E. Vckery, D.C., N.Dm
Newsletter #23 - Latest B Vitamin Family Research
Newsletter # 24 Latest Research ties up with Our Research on the B Vitamin Family.
From a research article. Don’t worry–’B’ happy June 24, 2010 The key to beating back depression might come in bottle… just not the one you’re thinking of. A new study finds that common B vitamins–taken in supplement form–can help seniors lower their risk of battling the blues. Researchers followed some 3,500 Chicago seniors for an average of 7.2 years, asking them about vitamin B6 and B12 intake from both food and supplements. They were also assessed using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. And the researchers found what appeared to be a pretty direct relationship between those two B vitamins and depression: Every 10 milligram increase in vitamin B6 and 10 microgram boost in B12 reduced the risk of depression symptoms by 2 percent per year, according to the study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The researchers say the association held even after they adjusted for smoking, drinking, the death of a spouse, disability, and other problems that might put seniors in the dumps. But what I found most interesting about this study is that the researchers didn’t see any depression boost from increased B vitamins in food–just supplements. So while you should still strive to get most of your nutrition from your dinner plate, this study is a good reminder that supplements can pick up where your food leaves off. And that’s not all these busy Bs will do for you, because another new study finds that vitamin B6 may help protect against cancer. The study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people with the highest levels of B6 had roughly half the lung cancer risk of those with the lowest levels–and that the benefit held even after adjusting for smokers. Vitamin B6 has also been linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer and Parkinson’s disease, and it may help boost the immune system and keep your blood-sugar levels in check. Its “B” partner, vitamin B12, is no slouch either. This critical nutrient can help protect you from major psychological disorders, including biggies such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It also plays a key role in memory, and can help boost your energy levels and ward off fatigue. The best sources of B6 include potatoes, bananas and garbanzo beans, while you can get B12 from meat (especially liver), fish and dairy. But as the new study shows, don’t be afraid to get what you need from a supplement, either– because sometimes, you really can find an answer in a bottle of pills. We have found people in the chronic illness mode that register NO B vitamins --- at all. We then have gone to a higher and more complete B vitamin called “Tri B” and are already using it in our testing of individuals. This is not yet available except for “cases”. This testing is done separately from our corporation and is under our membership in W.O.N.M.P. (World Order of Natural Medical Practitioners) sponsored by the Sovereign Medical Order of the Knights Hospitaller. These are the consent forms that we are now required to use that appear (the link) on the top of the corporate webpage, but are housed on our Foundation site. We are finding that a steady diet of “progress” keeps us thinner! God Bless! Brice E. Vickery, D.C.,N.D.m
Contrary to what most people think, our first, primary concern in any health problem is hydration. More essential than that is air and breathing but most people are doing that in various degrees. We have a long-range project to improve that too.
After studying Dr, F. Batmanghelidj, (M.D.) and his book “The Body’s many cries for Water” we in conjunction with the proper amount salt on a bodyweight basis, make it the primary consideration in any program, even before our Platinum Essential Amino Acids Plus. Along with Dr. B., we have seen many people improve from the most drastic conditions with this simple and elemental change in their daily routine. Older people with all the wrinkles are—dehydrated.
Many with fewer wrinkles are—dehydrated. Younger people who look “normal” are dehydrated. Dr. Robert J. Rowen, in his “Second Opinion” newsletter says, “If you notice a faster decline in your thinking, start drinking more water.” We however have noticed after observing thousands of people, too much water without the proper salt ration will further de-mineralize you and dehydrate you. We have seen salt deficient people stop detoxing mercury and lead – because they were salt deficient!
It’s so simple. If you can picture your cells either puffing up like balloons, or shriveling up like prunes, that’s; all you need. All of your minerals “travel” through this sea, usually with a protein carrier, to the cells. You need sodium chloride for stomach acid, bile production, breathing, and acid-base balance.
After observing people ending up with the WRONG salts that DID NOT WORK we have decided to go with Redmond Sea Salt, an American firm in the business for many years. They are reasonably priced and, the stuff really works. We have used it for many years. It is from deposits millions of years old in Utah and has no modern contaminants. We decided to carry the 26 0z. Pouring pouch, which is the way we get it ourselves.
Since all of the chronically ill have severe intestinal infections and inflammations we also decided to use mainline, the Redmond Clay, which has been used by native peoples for thousands of years. This will be available in the 10oz. size for starters. This has as many magical properties as our Sea-Aloe Gold.
Look for these new products on our shopping cart.
God Bless!
Brice E. Vickery, D.C.,N.D.m
Newsletter #21 - Hormone Therapy and Heart Disease Risk
Hormone Therapy and Heart Disease Risk # 21
Study Confirms
Risk of Heart Disease
South Carolina. MD NEWS, MAY 2010
“A NEW ANALYSIS PUBLISHED in a recent edition of Annals o Internal Medicine, reports that women who began hormone therapy within 10 years of menopause had an increased risk of heart disease during the first two years of therapy, women who started taking the combination therapy more than 10 years after menopause had an even greater increased likelihood of heart disease. The acting director of the NHLBI, Susan Sharin, M.D., advises that women and their physicians should discuss the risks…”
The Harvard School of Public Health and the NHLBI rechecked data from the original WHI clinical trial. That was on the effects of combinations of progestin and estrogen in more than 16,500 postmenopausal women with and intact uterus, 50 – 79 years old. The average was 63.
In the combination hormone therapy trial 8500 women received the HRP while 8100 received a placebo. After an average of 5 ½ years the study was halted, because of the increase incidence of breast cancer in the participants. Women taking the HRT also showed an increased risk of dangerous blood clots, stroke and heart disease, as well as a decreased risk of colorectal cancer and hip fracture.
The participants receiving HET were 2.4 times more likely to develop heart disease in the first two years. Similarly, within eight years, women on HRT were 69% more likely to develop heart disease.
Three observations:
Dr. William Donald Kelley said in his first diet book, “Kelley Almond Diet”, in 1967, that “cancer is nothing more than a pancreatic enzyme deficiency.” “The pancreas simply cannot manufacture enough enzymes to digest…and have enough left over to digest the foreign protein we know as cancer.” He also said that female hormones can trigger breast and other cancer. Our Platinum Plus brings trypsin and chymotrypsin production up–like a rocket ship!
McAlvany, May 2010 Report: Most of the lawyers in the FDA have worked for the drug companies. And most of the drug company lawyers got their start in the FDA! “Drugs kill nearly 800,000 people every year (that’s like 265 terrorist attacks like 9/11 every year)”
“With the danger inherent in drugs, we’re trading symptoms for side effects…Remember, always follow the money trail on whatever government forces upon you to learn what’s really behind it. And with this law, the money flows straight to the drug companies. It’s no wonder their stocks went up when it passed.”
Brice E. Vickery, D.C., N.D.m
Newsletter #20 - Superbugs Coming AT YOU!
Here is something that we see all of the time! We rode the MERSA wave and have seen the C diff coming – over a year ago. This interesting news comes from a knowledgeable MD who tells the truth…somewhat of a rarity. There are far worse things here now than these bugs which we call mid-range infections although in nutritionally starved people they will kill them! Here it is:
New bacteria on the rise
The superbugs are here--and their microscopic army is growing at an alarming pace.
A new report shows how a once-rare bug has rapidly turned into the top bacterial threat in hospitals throughout the southeast--and quite possibly around the nation.
The bug's name is Clostridium difficile, or C-diff for short, and it's number one with a bullet, according to a study of 28 hospitals in the region. It's overtaken the granddaddy of all drug-resistant bacteria, Methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), as it tears a path through the south.
In fact, C-diff is now 25 percent more common than MRSA in southeastern hospitals, according to the study presented at the Fifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare- Associated Infections.
It may be even more widespread--probably is--but the researchers only looked at that one region.
That's some pretty bad news, because this new Number One lives long, spreads easily, and is incredibly difficult to kill.
It sickens up to half a million people a year... and kills thousands.
The bug was once largely confined to sick, elderly people in hospitals and nursing homes, but that's no longer the case: Another new study finds that the number of children hospitalized with C-diff infections doubled between 1997 and 2006.
That study, published in Emerging Infectious Disease, found cases among children to be rising at 9 percent each year.
And what's really shocking about this one is that it's truly a superbug, emphasis on the word "super." C. difficile spores can live on hard surfaces for months, and withstand even the alcohol-based cleaners commonly used in hospitals.
Then again, it should be easy enough to keep them off those surfaces in the first place. Since C-diff generally spreads through fecal contact, better bathroom habits could quite literally save thousands of lives.
That's some potty talk everyone should hear.
I told you a little about C-diff back in December. Many of us have some of these bacteria in our stomachs, but when everything is in balance our other gut bacteria will keep these critters in check.
Throw in some antibiotics, however, and you'll kill off most of those good bacteria, giving the more resistant C- diff a chance to thrive. More than 90 percent of infections hit after an antibiotic course, which is just one more reason to use these meds sparingly.
And when you do, watch out. Because C-diff is so resistant to drugs, around 25 percent of all patients experience relapses, sometimes more than once.
C-diff symptoms include fever, vomiting, cramps, chills, abdominal tenderness and loss of appetite... but the first sign is usually diarrhea. If you or a loved one comes down with the runs following an antibiotics course, seek help fast.
Quick action can help prevent you from becoming a new statistic.
Keep your guard up!
Brice E. Vickery, D.c., NDm
Newsletter #19 - Nutritional Supplements Under Threat
We live in alarming times where the people are changing, our health is changing, and the moral leadership of our country is changing- no longer guided by our constitution or the principles of the people who wrote them - "those dead white guys!" The title of this newsletter is from a piece in another newsletter, "Independent Living." The subtitle reads, "Washington Launces New Attack on Your Medical Self-Reliance". We will sprinkle a few more quotes from the same source as we go.
"Given the "critical condition of our overbureaucratized healthcare system and the bankrupt state of hopelessly over-extended Medicaid and Medicare programs, you might suppose that lawmakers would be gung-ho to let Americans pursue inexpensive alternatives to hospital visits and prescription drugs.
You might think it OBVIOUS that part of the solution to our healthcare crisis would be greater access to, and utilization of, nutritional supplements (vitamins,minerals, enzymes,etc.) that have been PROVEN TO HELP BOOST IMMUNITY AND EVEN GUARD AGAINST CANCER AND HEART DISEASE.
Instead, an alarming new effort led by BIG GOVERNMENT U.S. Senators is now underway- threatening to restrict, or outright BLOCK, Americans access to vitamins and other supplements."
They go on to say that in February of this year Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Byron Dorgan (D-ND) co-sponsored the mis-named "Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010" (S. 3002) Tens of thousands of irate opponenets bambarded McCain's office opposing the bill. This is only the beginning of this battle. I voted for this political hack but advise the people of Arizona and North Dakota to throw these two out with the rest of our garbage in the house and the senate!
One more thing- we may not be able to write you newsletters like this because: "In a bizarre regulatory assault against freedom of speech, vitamin makers are being warned against SHARING NEWS AND CERTAIN SCIENTIFIC STUDIES RELATED TO THEIR PRODUCTS TO PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS!"
This really ticks me off - I mean I fought for this right in WWII! So sort of out of context let me tell you right now something that will be in a lot of upcoming letters such as PEOPLE ON OUR PROGRAMS BRING THEIR KILLER CELLS
( THE FIRST WAVE OF OUR IMMUNE SYSTEMS) UP IN UNDER TWO WEEKS! Better than all of the mushrooms, single amino acids, herbs and "cow dung" that they all crow about out there!
Lastly, we do not know for sure that we (or many other nutritional companies) will continue to be in business in the uncertain future. One of the things that we ALL should consider is stocking up on your supplements ahead and beyond the published expiration dates. This is an arbitrary estimate- usually two years- put on the label by law. Since we may all have to become "law-breakers" to survive, I will tell you that we have had people who 'forgot" the health benefits of say, Platinum Plus, and called us up 4 years later! We tested the unopened PP and it tested OK. They took them and got well again. Am I supposed to tell you that? See what I mean!!!!!
Surreptitiously - It's not politically correct:
Newsletter #18 - The Most Un-appreciated, Most Powerful - Platinum Plus
I get mail! Boy, do I get Mail! What's worse is that I scan 95% of it. So - even though I have "piles" around my table, and everyone comments on it - I persevere.
Sometimes it's only one item that has just been researched–and we obtain it–and test it. That just recently happened and we are already using it in nerve metabolism. It is most powerful against neuro-invasive viruses that we will be certainly telling you about when the numbers are all in. That's another story.
What gets me is the total ignorance of the healing arts on the amino acids failure which was discovered way back in 1983. In the general population, this runs about 95% plus but among people with established conditions it runs 100%. So what? So EVERYTHING!
One of the rapidly advancing realizations among forward-looking doctors is that general inflammation in the body is one of the prime reasons for heart attacks, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, strokes, and Alzheimer's.
Shortly we we will publishing a 200 person study that proves the every protein deficient person has major organ inflammation! In other words, while these doctors look high, these doctors look low, they can't see the forest for the trees. They can't see that the cause for all of this is so elemental, so under their noses, that they hardly ever LOOK for it. It is a NUTRITIONAL FAULT because of faulty digestion. Clinical success proves this with our growning army of doctors who use Platinum Plus in their practice.
What set me off is a sales letter from a very good alternative doctor who just added a "detox" to her brand of modified citrus pectin. To make it more powerful, they added alginates which are found in our Vickery Sea Plant Minerals and our Sea-Aloe Gold. Then they came out with a separate detox which has a "special group of sulfur containing amino acids and compounds including glutathione, methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), cysteine, N. acetyl cysteine and alpha-lipoic acid. Heavy metals and toxins are attracted to these sulfur-containing compounds like a magnet." They go on to say that heavy metals generate free radicals that damage tissues (and cause inflammation) and that this sulfur containing "detox" product mops up these free radicals like a sponge. Whoopeedo! This costs $49.95.
Now, our Platinum Plus costs $39.95 and has not had a price increase since it's introduction in 1999. Furthermore it:
- Provides ALL the ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS that re-start the pancreatic and intestinal digestion of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates.
- It returns the proper pH to the gut.
- Restores digestion which then utilizes dietary protein to replenish the entire enzyme systems of the body. Our research shows that these vital and necessary enzymes are 40—62% Essential Amino Acids and–without these they will not easily be made–IF AT ALL!
- The minerals, fats etc. which are found in daily food that have not been carried into the body easily such as calcium, etc. are now available due to the fact these items NEED PROTEIN CARRIERS.
- The immune system is TURNED ON AGAIN! Our latest research proves that the KILLER CELLS, which were virtually absent, are abounding in under two weeks!
- Glutathione and other sulfur proteins are created IN ABUNDANCE so that purchasing it separately is unnecessary, redundant and IGNORANT!
- Look at the graphs on our home page for mercury etc. and see how using the FM/Natural Antibiotic Package rids the body better in an average of three months exceeding $5000 chelation treatments.
- We added molybdenum because there are liver enzymes that don't detox without it!
- We added creatine to re-cycle ATP in debilitated people restoring their energy even faster.
Not knowing the protein problem, the doctors of the world are adding sulfur and SOME AMINO ACIDS WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING THE ROOT… — THE ROOT PROBLEM!
So the questions that people ask about specific EBV, Lymes, herpes are redundant –The RESTORED IMMUNE SYSTEM HANDLES THEM ALL!
Do we have a GREAT GOD OR WHAT?
God Bless!
Newsletter #17 - Fibromyalgia Decade Comparison of Therapy vs. Medication
Newsletter # 18
Thank you all for your emails, phone calls, thoughts and prayers, on the passing of my beloved wife in November, 2009. She was my right arm for over twenty five years and participated in
the founding of our Supernutrient Corporation as vice president until her stroke in 2005. She is with the Lord, praise God, and has no more afflictions. I miss her. In a reversal of roles,
and becoming her right arm, I was able in some small part to repay her all of the services that she provided me and never complained - at all. Fortunately for her I am a pretty fair cook!
Despite having life turned upside down we are making tremendous progress both in discovery of pathogens and the tremendous nutritional changes that are required to be addressed as
the body fights to eject "heavy hitter bacteria" and viruses that hide in and attack the nervous system. These viruses are known - but not found through traditional means. We have been
talking about these pathogens such as Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, building biofilms which protect themselves and other bacteria, yeasts, and viruses in a colony.
If you have ever been to the circus and sat under the "Big Top" you will understand that the people represent the varied pathogens of different kinds ( that work together) and the large
canvas tent - the "Big Top", is the Biofilm, which protects "them" and "hides" them from the body. This is not complete separation and still results in the unknown causes of INLAMMATION
which is a major ignored cause of heart attacks, strokes, and Alzheimers. This then is one of the deeper layers which we now find and begin to understand and for which we have
formulated the "Battle Package" which our doctors have already claimed victory over insidious hidden neuroviruses that produce sympstoms such as neurodystrophy.
This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Here is the link to our last two in the FM decade series
God Bless!
B.E. Vickery, D.C.
Newsletter #16 - Pain says GOODBYE whenyou say ALOE!
PAIN says GOODBYE when you say ALOE! I get MAIL! #17
Hello Again:
In my stack of mail this booklet “Pain says GOODBYE when you say ALOE!” caught my attention. I thought how wonderful If it was really true for all conditions. There is a lot that is true in this booklet which I will give you a smattering of, but there are many nutritional factors that have developed without control (similar to our national debt) that HAVE to be addressed to obtain continuing success. I mean the nearest thing that we have to a one supplement “cure” is our Platinum Essential Amino Acids Plus. Most of our miracles occur with this when it is the only or major nutrient missing. Most physical problems well developed are MULTIPLE deficiencies many of which are caused by lack of digestion, utilization, of all enzyme systems, and a gigantic NUTRITIONAL DEBT caused by the need to disinfect and detox the body.
Years ago when we studied aloe and had some well documented successes of good doctors that took the time to keep records and graphs how surprisingly well it fought staph, strep fungus etc. Testing however is done now on our new schools of drug resistant bacteria, which have learned to neutralize the antibiotics they have contacted.
Aloe along with Laminaria also has a rich amount of glyconutrients (essential sugars), which are important in tissue building and immune defense. Out of our studies came the Vickery Sea Plant Minerals and Glyconutrients and our other Super Star, Sea-Aloe Gold. SAG has it all: Iodine in good numbers and glyconutrients and a host of organic compounds that in themselves kill the bad guys. Better yet our aloe is organic 200:1 concentrate—You would have to drink 200 oz. liquid aloe to equal 1oz of our aloe! With SAG in combinations with PP etc., we have documented over 68 cases of celiac-Crohn’s disease along with the antiganglioside antibody, restored.
Also some deadly gram-negative bacteria that we will disclose when the studies are completed. I mean antibiotic resistant bacteria.
So without further comments let me show you what our booklet has to say:
“Modern science is now proving what these historical leaders knew about this legendary plant…”
“You’ll be amazed to learn how it can help your…
Joint and Muscle Pain
Stomach and Elimination Problems
Blood Sugar Control & Kidney Stones
Cholesterol and Triglycerides
Skin Look Younger & $Much More!
Mahatma Gandhi used it to stay alive….
Christopher Columbus used to keep him and his crew healthy….
Dr. Ivan Danhof, Ph.D, M.D.
“The Pain killing properties of aloe are no accident. There are seven ways clinical research has shown aloe vera helps douse the inflammation of the body…..”
“#1 ALOE CONTAINS POWERFUL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS CLLED PLANT STEROLS- Plant sterols like steroid drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect. However steroids inhibit the healing of tissue. Aloe does just the opposite – it promotes healing!
Found naturally in aloe it stops the inflammation causing prostaglandin hormones. Unlike aspirin, aloe vera does not hurt your stomach- it helps it.
Aloe contains bradykinase, which breaks down bradykinin.
Researchers in Mexico found that Aloe vera inhibits Cox-2 – another enzyme that causes inflammation.
Poor absorption of proteins creates food remnants. Your body views them as a threat and seeks” protection” through inflammation. Aloe cuts down on these “false alarms”.
Aloe vera helps the immune system remove toxins. This has an anti-inflammatory benefit.
Aloe is a powerful antioxidant. It mops up excess free radicals or pro-oxidants before they can cause swelling and damage joints.
This was only up to page Four!!
Now listen, don’t get all in lather and buy us out because we have constant use for these nutritionals.
Best Wishes,
Brice E. Vickery, D.C.
Newsletter #15 - Fibromyalgia State of the Art 1999-2009 Part 3
Fibromyalgia State of the Art 1999—2009 Part 3 posted to YouTube.
Benjamin Westafer here, I'm the Communications Czar for SuperNutrient Corporation. If you haven't seen it on our homepage yet, our new video, "Fibromyalgia State of the Art 1999—2009 Part 3" is now available on YouTube:
Please let us know what you think of our videos and how we may improve them in the future; also, Dr. Vickery is now on Facebook! If you don't have a Facebook account, you'll have to create one and agree to their terms of service (we don't share your information with them).
Thank you for your continued interest in SuperNutrient and stay tuned, we have more videos on the way!
Benjamin Westafer
Newsletter #14 - Kind words from Life Enthusiast
Below is a newsletter written by Martin Pytela of Life Enthusiast Co-op, one of our long-time distributors of Platinum Plus, Sea-Aloe Gold, Vickery Sea Plant Minerals and our nutritional packages; it has very good historical and current information.
Thanks Martin for featuring us this month!
A Chiropractor’s Story |
Dear Brice, Today, you will discover how a chiropractor, frustrated that his patients could not hold the adjustments he made on their spine, happened upon a the secret to radiant health and relief from chronic pain… A practicing chiropractor saw many patients that could not maintain a straight spine, and live without pain. They were continually having spinal adjustments and being set straight, only to come back again out of alignment, in discomfort. It puzzled Dr. Vickery, enough to try something different. He used kinesiology (expert muscle testing) on hundreds of patients, asking questions and more questions, attempting to discover the underlying cause of their pain. All the answers were similar. The common thread in all the patients that were unable to maintain a straight spine was protein deficiency. He was able to confirm that they are caused by three main factors: stress, heavy metal toxicity, and viral infection. Depending on which virus is involved (Herpes, Epstein–Barr, Coxsackie, etc.) we see different chronic syndromes, such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, back pain, etc. Amino acid supplementation will provide your body with an essential foundation for health. Amino acids are the building blocks of systemic proteins, which are present in all your body tissues, including skin, nails, hair, blood, bone and brain cells. Thousands of different systemic proteins are constantly being manufactured from 20 different amino acids. Your body can only manufacture 10 of these amino acids, the other 10 are considered essential, meaning they must be acquired from your diet. Many diseases result when systemic protein production is inefficient or inadequate. But excesses of some amino acids can produce results as detrimental as deficiencies. Balance in the use of amino acids is of great importance. Discover how to remove the most common cause for indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux, detoxify yourself from heavy metals, improve strength of your Cartilage, Skin, Hair and Nail. |
Featured Products |
Platinum Amino Acids PlusThis formula provides the perfect balance of free form amino acids, because some other formulas are out of balance, and may not work. With Platinum Plus your body starts to rebuild and refurbish it's 80,000 enzyme systems. It's not necessary to take digestive enzymes, papain, bromelain etc., most of which are inefficient and/or ineffective. Your body makes its own. You can heal many discomforts & diseases, eliminate heavy metal toxicity, and repair damaged tissue. |
About Dr. Vickery and Platinum Plus |
Through all his questions & answers with kinesiology (The Vickery Method or TVM), Dr. Vickery found that this protein deficiency went hand-in-hand with many other discomforts and diseases, such as fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, depression, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Interstitial Cystitis, migraine headaches, back & joint pain, and infections.
He designed The SuperNutrient Healing Program, Platinum Plus, used by thousands of happy patients like:
Newsletter #13 - Fibromyalgia State of the Art 1999-2009
Fibromyalgia State of the Art 1999—2009;
Medicine versus Alternative Medicine
Symptom Control versus Cure Part 1
The last decade has produced remarkable changes in every area of our lives. Many of them are happening to us before we are aware of the changes. Many have been there and few if any have discovered them.
We have started a review of the changes and improvements in the recognition and resulting treatments of fibromyalgia. One of the causes absolutely escapes medicine even though they have and have had, the serum amino acids tests available to discover the universal protein/amino acids deficiency. This I will repeat throughout this series. After all if no one told them about penicillin there would have been millions more deaths. We think that Platinum Plus is not only better but also improves the immune system (with all nutrients) to where it is better than vaccines, which I NEVER take. There are many conditions that eventually coalesce into this diagnosis such as depression, interstitial cystitis, chronic fatigue, headaches, TMJ, and some kinds of myositis. We will be presenting in our series a hopefully “fair and balanced” presentation of the improvements in orthodox medicine, and alternative advanced medicine with which we live.
Another important question is herein answered: How can those of us who use energy frequency matches for pathogens like Drug Resistant Clostridium Difficile, Yersinia Pestis etc. and the “best” of medicine cannot find it. Those of you who have had reports of these being in your hands, spine, shoulders, neck, along with mercury, lead, candida, acetaldehyde and noticed “activity” as your immune system counter attacked to your discomfort. This is an area protected by a BIOFILM, which we explain briefly in the video. These colonized bacterial etc. become a living breathing entity in your body with NO direct contact with your circulation. They are protected by their biofilm, which THEY have created. That is why THEY can’t find it and why we can by reading the tissues. We will be talking a lot more about this only recent development found in the human body.
Please visit our site or go directly to YouTube to see the video mentioned above.
Brice E. Vickery, D.C.
Newsletter #12 - The “Live Forever Pill”?
Newsletter # 12 The “Live Forever Pill”? Recently we have been investigating various foods and substances relative to their antioxidant values (ORAC) as well as their other properties. Many substances and foods give relief in conditions like Fibromyalgia but do not “cure” the condition. One example is known as the French Paradox: while the French enjoy the daily use of red wine, eating loads of cheese, fat meats, and sauces and yet are not particularly worried about cholesterol etc.; unlike our our paranoid American doctors, of course, when checking these things many times a year and changing prescriptions and prescription levels, fills his office every day to overflowing, and keeps the drug company coffers filled and overflowing, it becomes the most successful of both endeavors. There are many ways to beat this which we are studying, and using daily, which involves the careful following of the cholesterol pathways including the enzymes involved, the particular amino acids, and their vitamin mineral cofactors. We then identified cholesterol “logjams” and having already solved the enzyme amino acids deficiency with Platinum Plus, identified the vitamins, minerals, (fat indigestion) and other lacking factors. When the logjam is broken, the cholesterol becomes converted and the progesterone, three estrogens etc. climb dramatically. Resveratrol, which is becoming the new “in” supplement which may be very interesting for anyone to give a trial, no matter what their stage of health/disease. We have been testing it and are having good results. We now have three classes of people: Pretox-Detox who are so ill and damaged that they cannot take the nutrition that they absolutely need such as Fibromyalgia /Natural Antibiotic Intensive package because they will become violently ill; people who are successfully taking the supplements and throwing out pathogens and metals; and three, people who are now maintaining their recovered health and maintaining their nutritional levels with our amino acids health maintenance. We have searched out two suppliers who give a large amount of trans resveratrol at a reasonable price. All three classes are urged to ‘take a shot” at this which was just put up online. Let’s hear the results! Below are the details of Resveratrol: * Superior Antioxidant Protection* * Cardiovascular Support* * 10% of profits donated for health research * A Dietary Supplement Resveratrol99------------------------------ 200 mg - 60 Vcaps® * Extra Strength * Natural Trans-Resveratrol * Vegetarian Formula SUGGESTED USAGE: As a dietary supplement, take 1 to 3 Vcaps® daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. BENEFITS: Resveratrol is a polyphenol that is naturally found in the skin of red grapes, certain berries, and other plants. Recent research has shown that Resveratrol can support healthy cardiovascular function through its powerful antioxidant properties, as well as through its ability to promote a healthy inflammatory response.* In addition, some studies indicate that Resveratrol may help to maintain healthy platelet function.* Supplement Facts Serving Size: 1 Vcap® Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Polygonum cuspidatum Extract (Root) (50% Natural Trans-Resveratrol - 200 mg) 400 mg* Red Wine Extract (Alcohol-Free) (Vitis vinifera) (min. 30% Polyphenols) 10 mg* * Percent Daily Values are based on 2,000 calorie diet. † Daily Value not established. Details Other Ingredients: Cellulose (capsule), Cellulose, Magnesium Stearate (vegetable source) and Silica. Contains no sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg, shellfish, preservatives or alcohol. *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Vcaps® is a registered trademark of Capsugel. Do Not Eat Freshness Packet. Keep in Bottle. Vegetarian/Vegan Product. Certain populations, such as the French and the Greeks, have a low incidence of coronary artery disease, despite a diet relatively high in saturated fat. It has been suggested that regular consumption of red wine may explain this phenomenon, which is called the "French paradox." Evidence indicates that Resveratrol, a constituent of red wine, may play a key role in this phenomenon. Resveratrol has been found to exert a number of potentially beneficial effects with respect to cardiovascular health. As an antioxidant, Resveratrol can synergize with CoQ10; it has also been shown to help maintain healthy levels of glutathione.* In addition, Resveratrol has been shown to support a healthy inflammatory response, as well as healthy blood clotting functions through its effects on the COX-2 enzyme.* Cautions and Interactions Because Resveratrol has been shown to be an estrogen receptor agonist, women who have had breast cancer, or are at high risk of developing it, should consult with their healthcare practitioner before using this product. Resveratrol may affect NSAIDs and anticoagulant and antiplatelet medications. In addition, Resveratrol may affect drugs metabolized by Cytochrome P450 3A4, such as statins, calcium channel blockers, antiarrhythmic agents, antihistamines, benzodiazepines, drugs used to treat erectile dysfunction, and HIV protease inhibitors. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before using this product if you take any of these drugs.
Newsletter #11 - Keeping Faith Newsletter
Hello Again: We have so much in the way of advanced health challenges and solutions that we have not been able to properly organize it for you. Recent political changes in our country have really been a burden on me personally as I see the values of our "great generation" trampled in the dirt. I believe that honor and conscience have a giant effect on our health, individual or national. Lack of these is part of our problems. Just today our new friend and Christian sister sent me a beautiful poem which should remind us of what are the real costs of our life of relative ease and plenty. Blown out the air in flames over europe, on the numerous battlefields around the hemispheres, and under the oceans of the world entombed in rusting wrecks, they died so that we could survive. In this I believe the submarine service had the highest percentage of fatalities of any service. I thought that you should know that. So dear Sherri, I thank you, but honor them, not me, for I lived and feel that I and all of us have let them down! See the video at the end of your poem and weep. It's too bad that President Obama did not take the time to visit our heroes at the Normandy Cemetery. He can still correct that I would hope. Poem: Silent Soldier And there he sites and ponders well, images and sounds of yesterday do swell. Friends who lay in silent graves,… The friends who's laughter, arguments, and scoundrel tongues were friends who stood beside him when he was wrung. The days when pressure and horror caved in, they bolstered and reeled him in. He looks away and flying high, Old Glory whips and unfurls. The vivid colors, the solemn pride, the awesome weight uncurls. He wonders why so many walk by without the slightest nod. They haste the day and walk away uncaring where they trod. The silent soldier with head bowed low allows the tears to fall. He knows too well the silent hell of ignorance, apathy, and gall. His beloved land calls out, quakes beneath the sale. "They've forgotten Me, forgotten you, and only we can tell!" "They're selling Me, abandoning Me, and dividing Me like spoil!" "All that you gave up for Me, they neither care for nor adore." "They've forgotten Me, forgotten you, and only we can tell!" A young woman stops by and respectfully waits, the soldier she must tell. "Thank you Sir, for al you've done, there are many of us still who dwell." "We know the sacrifice you've given, your story we hold dear." "We choose to preserve your precious gift through our children's small, pure ears." "Don't weep honored man…" "We know the price you've paid, the price your friends laid down." "We will not be swayed even if paid!" "The gift they will never draw!" "No Sir, we can't be bought, we can't be re-taught, and we cannot lose resolve!" "Though leaders may cave and give us away, still we will remain standing tall!" "We will never give allegiance away, though cost us it surely will." "It's the least we can do for Old Glory, for you, and the freedom you gave us all!" "For the Silent Soldiers in My Family and for Dr. Brice E. Vickery, with My Deepest Grattitude" – Sherri Copyright 2009 by Sherri Kohls (used with permission) Link to video: Dr. Brice E. Vickery "The Protein Doctor"
Newsletter #10 - Victoria's Secret- ABC News-Formaldehyde-Red Alert!
Victoria’s Secret – ABC News – Formaldehyde- Red Alert! If you think the financial world stinks, consider the medical world! Among the world’s biggest spenders for health care we- the------ US rank 37th, 37th, in healthcare among the nations. See what ABC News reports: You can view the ABC News clip at: We were alerted to this over a week ago by one of our Crusaders and tests have since shown that 13 consecutive women and one male doctor have formaldehyde toxic loads! The formaldehyde and its resins are apparently not limited to any one brand of bra and are found in multiple brands, and other types of clothing. Manufacture in the US is supposed to use about nine formaldehyde resins and are not supposed to release significant amounts of formaldehyde as older products did. We just tested a $56/oz. perfume called Journey that is apparently loaded with formaldehyde! One of the possible problems is the labels say: Made in China – a champion polluter, India, Thailand, Indonesia, etc. One of the reasons put forth is that many are hot, moist climates where heavy use of formaldehyde products prevents or kills molds and fungi and keeps the clothing appealing and desirable to the unsuspecting US consumer. Formaldehyde is a colorless, pungent gas that can affect you when you breathe its vapors or touch it. It reacts quickly with body tissues such as lungs, eyes, and skin. More symptoms are nose/throat irritation; wheezing and coughing; fatigue; skin rash; SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTIONS. It is a known carcinogen and may cause asthmatic episodes and permanent lung damage. On a med site there is cited a group of 6 nursing mothers who reported one baby with a severe throat condition while the five others reported asthma onsets and like wheezing conditions. It is conceivable to me that a woman seeing either an allergist or a dermatologist for a rash on her breasts has a 50/50 chance of being prescribed a steroid ointment, which may have as a preservative - formaldehyde! What help is available? If you have any ongoing health issues you may want to get it diagnosed. There are patch tests available for F resins. However many of us alternative doctors have quicker (and possibly more certain?) tests which are energy match tests which can be done in under five minutes and the exact levels are found using either kinesiology or electro dermal (Electro-acupuncture) machines. Doctors who may utilize this type of testing are in descending order: ND’s, Doctors of Naturopathy, DC’s Doctors of Chiropractic, PhD’s, who specialize in Nutrition, and MD's, Alternative medicine, and DO’s Doctors of Osteopathy. If you think that bankers are the evil ones in the financial world then think about pharmaceutical industry as the evil (rich), which keeps you from true health information and puts forth ignorant doctors like “Dr. Glgglypuss” who we exposed on our Fox News commentary. We here at SuperNutrient had pretty much solved a similar problem with a sort of sister pathway of detoxification acetaldehyde the Candida yeast toxin, which appears in most FM and other victims. Both formaldehyde and acetaldehyde among many other enzymes have to have this enzyme: Alcohol Dehyrogenase 1 and alcohol dehyrdrogenase 3, to further process these poisons for excretion. Since they are about 50% essential amino acids the first thing necessary to catch up on is our Platinum Essential Amino Acids Plus. Let me make this clear. Since most sick people are already amino aids deficient it may be impossible for them to detox these two and other poisons with out catching up on the main limiting factor – essential amino acids which proves to be the first and main factor in regaining health and MAINTAINING HEALTH. The second thing is the cofactors molybdenum and, Sulfur. The third thing is niacin and other B fractions found in our bioavailable B complex. It is axiomatic with us that this is assuming that a person is properly hydrated; so the first is to be properly hydrated: CALL US AT SUPERNUTRIENT CORPORATION FOR DETAILS! Whether you have it diagnosed or not there are positive steps you can make: 1. Remove from your life all products containing this poison. This includes everything that you touch, wear, breath, and live in and on. 2. Look up online in a search engine CHEMICAL FREE CLOTHING. This especially applies to your children. WE have presented a quick capsule version of another chemical that may be damaging your lives under our very noses and your doctors. Improved Nutrition promises presently to be the only sure way to eliminate this toxin and eternal vigilance is the price of prevention. Our next will be on protein/sulfur deficiency and organ inflammation! Dr. Brice E. Vickery
Newsletter #9 - Introducing Dr. Sahelian and the hormone fiasco
Dr. Brice E Vickery SuperNutrient Corporation We live in a world of lies, errors, misinformation and the ever present GREED!. The estimates are that they make over 20 billion dollars a year on the cholesterol lie. See my homepage comment on Youtube about even Fox News stupidity about nutritional supplements. Tons of medical information comes across my desk every day which occasionally produces a new look at an old thing. That’s how we ran down our super inexpensive cure for the enzymes that attack the gut and nerves present in celiac disease. It was rose hips and it works like a charm! We now have 40 cases of celiac cured! THEY still have trouble even finding them. We will be introducing you to some of the “good guys” like Dr. Sahelian and others, whether professionals, or a monk in Assisi. We are working on this post-menopause hormonal problem with exact nutrition and come up with getting the cholesterol pipelines that makes the hormones, working. We have had quite some successes. Enjoy! Ray Sahelian, M.D. Vol. 6, Issue 1 - January, 2009 Doctors gave wrong advice for several decades by routinely recommending women after menopause take estrogen and progesterone pills. It now seems quite clear that taking estrogen and progesterone after menopause increases the risk for breast cancer. In fact, a new study finds the use of menopause hormones for five years doubles the risk for breast cancer. Even women who took estrogen and progestin pills for as little as two years had a greater chance of getting cancer. And when women stopped taking the hormones, their risk was reduced, returning to a normal risk level about two years after quitting the hormones. The study results are from the Women's Health Initiative which tested estrogen and progestin pills that doctors long believed would prevent heart disease, bone loss and many other problems in women after menopause. The actual estrogen and progestin combination in the study was Wyeth Pharmaceuticals' Prempro. The main part of the study was stopped in 2002 when researchers saw surprisingly higher risks of heart problems and breast cancer in hormone users. Although the benefit of natural herbs for menopausal symptom relief continues to be debated, at least there is no current evidence these herbs and supplements cause an increased risk of breast cancer. If you are a woman who has postmenopausal symptoms, and herbal therapies have not worked well, and hormone therapy is the only option, take the lowest dosage possible, use natural forms of these hormones, and take them for as little time as possible. See
Newsletter #8 - Genes and Amino Acids
For years we have observed that every reference to genes and defective genes almost totally ignores the amino acids availability. IN this report you will notice that with candor that the researcher admits what the average person should know: that if it cannot be patented at great profit even if a major breakthrough the product will never see the light of day. Diseases that have a gene involvement are never looked upon as an amino acids or enzyme co-factors deficiency. We are identifying the enzyme pathways for all major functions of the body. So far the numbers ALWAYS fall in the range of 40-62% ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS! No one seems to understand that this may be a CONSTANT PROBLEM IN ALL KINDS OF DISEASES INCLUDING SO-CALLED GENETIC DISEASES. The point is: Even approaching blindness should not be relegated to hopeless until the amino acids, vitamin and mineral factors, and essential fatty acids and essential sugars are truly investigated. We will keep you informed. Dr. Brice E. Vickery Protein Might One Day Prevent Blindness Researchers find it prolongs lives of key vision cells in mice By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter (HealthDay News) -- Researchers working with mice have identified a protein that appears to prolong the lives of retinal cells in both healthy and diseased eyes. The discovery could one day lead to treatments that would prevent blindness among people genetically predisposed to develop retinal disease, the scientists said. The protein, known as histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4), is naturally produced by both mice and humans and is typically involved in the regulation of bone and muscle development. Reducing the amount of HDAC4 to below-normal levels appears to lead to premature photoreceptor cell death in healthy eyes, the study revealed. In contrast, increasing quantities of this protein to above-normal levels appears to protect the lifespan of these critical vision cells -- both in healthy mouse eyes and in those mice suffering from a genetic flaw, also present in humans, that gives rise to degenerative retinal disease. The finding -- if replicated in people -- could ultimately lead to new interventions to prevent such disease-driven blindness, or even to the development of methods to restore lost sight to diseased retinas. "There are some inherited genetic defects that lead to the death of the two types of photoreceptor cells in the eye that capture light, first directly killing the rod cells and then the cone cells which depend on rod cell survival," explained study author Bo Chen, a postdoctoral research fellow with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at Harvard Medical School in Boston. "So, this mutation eventually leads to complete blindness." "But what we found," Chen noted, "is that we could actually promote the survival of these genetically affected photoreceptors by introducing more of this particular protein, even though the photoreceptors themselves continue to remain genetically defective." Chen and his colleagues report their findings in the Jan. 9 issue of Science. The findings are based solely on a series of neural cell experiments, focused on the retinal health of live mice, that were designed to assess the impact of both under-expression and overexpression of the HDAC4 protein. Subsequent lab work led the researchers to determine that in sufficient quantities the protein indeed displays a protective effect against eye cell death and thereby has an "essential role in neuronal survival," they wrote. Yet despite expressing enthusiasm for his current work, Chen emphasized the ongoing nature of the effort. "Even though the genetics are the same in mice and humans, at this stage it's really very experimental," he stressed. "And much more work needs to be done before we know this will be efficacious in humans." Nevertheless, Dr. Robert Cykiert, a clinical associate professor of ophthalmology at New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City, described the current work as an "impressive" effort. "Clearly a lot of people go blind from retinal diseases," he said, noting that glaucoma and macular degeneration are two serious conditions that result from retinal cell death. "And this protein they worked with appears to be what we call neuro-protective, in that it has protective benefits on both the photoreceptor layer that gets damaged in macular degeneration as well as on the ganglion cell layer which is damaged by glaucoma. So this finding could actually turn out to be a major accomplishment, affecting a lot of patients down the road." However, Rando Allikmets, an associate professor of ophthalmology, pathology and cell biology at Columbia University in New York City, took Chen's cue in cautioning that the true measure of the current work awaits human clinical trials. "It's a very good study, an interesting observation and a very encouraging finding that will definitely lead to an investigation of this pathway for possible therapeutic targets," he said. "But the problem is that they have identified a protein involved with very basic functions -- including muscle development and bone growth -- so it's very difficult to predict if what they did in mice can be done in humans at all and, even if it can, if it will work in the same way." Cykiert agreed. "Of course, it's a mouse study," he acknowledged. "So you certainly don't know if what they've found will be reproduced in patients. And in any case, it would take 10 years to develop any drugs from this that might benefit people. So, yes, it's just a first step." More information For more on the causes of blindness, visit the World Health Organization. SOURCES: Bo Chen, Ph.D., postdoctoral research fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston; Robert Cykiert, M.D., ophthalmologist and clinical associate professor, ophthalmology, New York University Langone Medical Center, New York City; Rando Allikmets, Ph.D., associate professor, ophthalmology, pathology and cell biology, Columbia University, New York City; Jan. 9, 2009, Science
Newsletter #7 - The Pancreas and General Body Inflammation
The Pancreas and General Body Inflammation 1/13/09 Dear Doctors and Clients: Today more and more advanced thinking doctors are relating chronic inflammation to most of the ”killer” diseases including: Heart disease, stroke diabetes, Alzheimer’s, rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, multiple sclerosis, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, macular degeneration, Crohn’s, allergies and more. Dr. Paul Ridker, a cardiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the father of modern inflammation research said in a cover article Time magazine (February 23, 2003) ”Just a few years ago, nobody was interested in this stuff. Now the whole field of inflammation research is about to explode.” You who use our Platinum Plus will be vitally interested in this next bit! As our cases get more and more complicated we have substantially increased our “virtual laboratory” and can find most of the new drug resistant bacteria and the new Tamiflu resistant strain H274Y that is now here among us! We also got upgraded in major organ inflammations such as pancreatitis. This resulted in a new and startling finding; Everyone who is protein deficient using the Vickery Standing Protein/Sulfur and the original Vickery – Voll Tests, and the digestive points for proteins, carbohydrates, and fats are lit up like neon signs ------ HAS PANCREATITIS! I mean -15 out of the first 15- we newly tested for protein/sulfur. Not only that, it is a 100% of the small sample, which will carry out in any larger numbers, and the degree of inflammation is rather HIGH! For doctors not using energy match testing this would require many laboratory tests such as amino acids profile, and a whole bunch of inflammatory marker tests which could run a $1000 dollars. The picture we see is now much more dynamic than we have ever seen. It is very clear the fact that supplying the human body with the right nutrition or the right nutritional supplements, in the right amounts is proven to be absolutely necessary to prevent the life threatening diseases and infections. These conditions are building slowly but surely, in every deficient person, with few of it’s symptoms being understood. Since we began measuring these nutrients we see that they can go up and down like a yo-yo with internal and external stressors and most doctors rarely- or never- measure the basic elements that are necessary to maintain health. In short they REMAIN ignorant. So it is proven to our satisfaction that, when doctors and their patients are fully aware of what does what, in the stroke victim, the MS person, the celiac person, they will insist on nutritional adequacy to preserve life. Most of you have started on that road to fully recovering your mind, your body, and your life. Praise God! Brice E. Vickery, D.C.
Newsletter #6 - Vitamins and other Nutritional Products
Hello again!
We have told you all that what you see is not what you get in the area of nutritional products. Sometimes, you get more than you see listed and it is not good STUFF! Like lead. This company mentioned in the new article sees only half the picture. What no one who is not capable of energetic testing can report on –, is it bio-available and in your body?
This is why we have the question constantly raised by people who run out of the ones that we use asking can we use this one or that one — and we say that since we have tested ours millions of times the answer in NO! Centrum Silver and stuff like never test well. Most of the time you should get what you pay for! A vitamin a day may do more harm than good report finds unexpected nutrient levels, contamination. Harmful vitamins? Jan. 19:
Tod Cooperman of talks with TODAY host Matt Lauer about his company's report, which finds that some vitamins may actually be hazardous to your health. Today show Jacqueline Stenson MSNBC contributor, “If you're banking on a daily vitamin to make up for any deficiencies in your diet, you may be getting a whole lot more — or less — than you bargained for. Of 21 brands of multivitamins on the market in the United States and Canada selected by and tested by independent laboratories, just 10 met the stated claims on their labels or satisfied other quality standards. Most worrisome, according to president Dr. Tod Cooperman, is that one product, The Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamins Especially for Women, was contaminated with lead. "I was definitely shocked by the amount of lead in [this] woman's product," he said. "We've never seen that much lead in a multivitamin before." Other products contained more or less of a particular vitamin than listed on the label. And some did not dissolve in the correct amount of time, meaning they could potentially pass through the body without being fully absorbed. "Half the products were fine, half were not," said Cooperman. is a Westchester, N.Y.-based company that independently evaluates hundreds of health and nutrition products and periodically publishes reviews. In the new report, released to, the company purchased a selection of the popular multivitamins on the market as well as some smaller brands and sent them, without labels, to two independent laboratories to be tested. On a positive note, several of the most popular multivitamins on the market did pass muster, said David Schardt, a senior nutritionist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group in Washington, D.C. These included Centrum Silver, Member's Mark Complete Multi (distributed by Sam's Club), One A Day Women's and Flintstones Complete. "I think this confirms the advice often given: You're safer choosing a well-known brand sold by some company or store that you have confidence in," Schardt said. "There are no guarantees but that's your best bet." Tips for picking a multivitamin Vitamins and other dietary supplements aren't required to undergo the same testing as medicines, so it's buyer beware. But there are some steps you can take to help you pick a better product, says David Schardt, a senior nutritionist at the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit consumer advocacy group in Washington, D.C. He recommends: — Choosing well-known mainstream brands by companies that have a lot at stake. — Buying from large, trusted retailers, not unknown sellers on the Internet. — Looking on the bottle for a stamp from USP, NSF or While the stamp doesn't guarantee the product is safe and effective, it does indicate that the manufacturer has submitted the product for testing to show that it contains what is stated on the label. — Not spending a fortune on vitamins. Pricey products toting all sorts of "extras" aren't necessary and may be trouble. Random vitamin testing isn't foolproof. For instance, because tested several bottles from a particular lot number of each vitamin, it's not a given that products produced at a different time would have the exact same contents. But detectable problems are a red flag that there could be problems with a company's production process. In the report, tests showed that The Vitamin Shoppe women's product contained 15.3 micrograms of lead per daily serving of two tablets. This amount of lead is more than 10 times the amount permitted without a warning in California, the only state that regulates lead in supplements, Cooperman said. On average, most American adults are exposed to about 3 micrograms of lead through food, wine and other sources, he said, and while 15.3 micrograms of lead per day may not be immediately toxic, the mineral is stored in the body and could build up to dangerous levels with time. "I would be concerned about a woman taking a multivitamin that contains 15.3 micrograms of lead per daily serving," said Judy Simon, a dietitian at the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle. Among other effects, she said, lead can contribute to high blood pressure. The same product also contained just 54 percent of the 200 milligrams of calcium stated on the label. The analysis also showed that Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears, a multivitamin for children, had 216 percent of the labeled amount of vitamin A in the retinol form, delivering 5,400 International Units (IU) in a daily serving. That's substantially more than the upper tolerable level set by the Institute of Medicine of 2,000 IU for kids ages 1 to 3 and 3,000 IU for those 4 to 8. Because too much vitamin A can cause bone weakening and liver abnormalities, the Yummi Bears "could be potentially doing more harm than good," Cooperman said. "Vitamin A is one of those vitamins where you really don't want to get too much." * Survey: Do you take a daily multivitamin * Discuss: Share your thoughts on the safety and effectiveness of dietary supplements * Read the full report at (subscription required) Schardt said the lead and vitamin A findings are worrisome because vitamins are generally taken every day, potentially building up to toxic levels and leading to problems down the line. In particular, he noted, women with high levels of lead in their bodies who become pregnant could pass on problems to a fetus. David Morrison, vice president of scientific and regulatory affairs at The Vitamin Shoppe, said his company's products are all tested more than once, including screening for lead, and he questioned the new results. "It would be very surprising to me if this were actually true," he said. Hero Nutritionals did not respond to calls seeking comment. Steve Mister, president and CEO of the Council for Responsible Nutrition, a trade group in Washington, D.C., that represents supplement manufacturers, said that if the findings on lead and vitamin A are, in fact, accurate, "that is not acceptable for the industry." Image: Yummi Bears Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears, a multivitamin for children, had 216 percent of the labeled amount of vitamin A. But he also said that top manufacturers consistently produce quality products and that with 150 million Americans taking vitamins or other dietary supplements annually, few problems surface. "If we had a serious issue of safety, we'd be hearing concerns from consumers in large numbers and we're not," he said. The report also found that some vitamins didn't break apart within the 30-minute standard set by the United States Pharmacopeia. Nature's Plus Especially Yours for women required more than an hour to disintegrate, while AARP Maturity Formula took 50 minutes. These products "could potentially go through your body without releasing all the nutrients," Cooperman said. Mark Kitchens, an AARP spokesperson, said the Maturity Formula undergoes routine testing, and that during testing in November "among the attributes tested was dissolution and it met FDA requirements." Still, "as precautionary measures to protect our members" AARP is pulling the product from the market and offering refunds to anyone who has purchased it, he said. How some multivitamins measured up selected more than 20 brands of multivitamins to be tested by independent laboratories. Here's a partial list of how some of them fared: Multivitamins that met standards: — Centrum Silver — Member's Mark Complete Multi — One A Day Women's — Flinstones Complete Those that failed: — The Vitamin Shoppe Multivitamins Especially for women: Contaminated with lead — Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears: Had twice the labeled amount of vitamin A — Nature's Plus Especially Yours for Women: Took twice as long as allowed to disintegrate — AARP Maturity Formula: Took nearly twice as long as allowed to disintegrate — Eniva VIBE: Had only 54 percent of claimed vitamin A — Pet-Tabs Complete Daily Vitamin-Mineral Supplement for Dogs: Contained lead In other findings, Eniva VIBE, a multivitamin liquid sold in packets, had only 54 percent of the claimed vitamin A. also tested a vitamin marketed for dogs called Pet-Tabs Complete Daily Vitamin-Mineral Supplement for Dogs and found the product was contaminated with 1.4 micrograms of lead per tablet. Whether most people — or dogs, for that matter — really need to take a multivitamin is a subject of debate. Experts agree that prenatal vitamins are important for women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, and that people with very poor diets can benefit from nutrients in a pill. Schardt says multivitamins offer everyone "an inexpensive insurance policy." But Cooperman and many dietitians note that it's better to get your nutrition from a well-balanced diet. "In many cases, you don't need a multivitamin," Cooperman said. © 2008
Dr. Brice E Vickery "The Protein Doctor"
President, SuperNutrient Corporation
Newsletter #5 – This Masters and Slaves System is stressing our collective Health
Dear Friends: I started to send you something completely different but with the election days away I thought the whole thing might have more perspective. The only candidate that addressed this "hidden and buried" issue was Ron Paul and they swept him off of the stage. I urge you to listen to both candidates but I do not think you will hear one word about the possibility of our being economic slaves to the bankers of the world. Let us know what you think? Whatever you do - vote! Subject: FIAT EMPIRE - Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution Dr. Brice E Vickery "The Protein Doctor" President, SuperNutrient Corporation 3377 Glenview Drive Aiken SC 29803 803-644-0607
Newsletter #4 – Dear Subscriber:
We have been very busy getting our messages up on Youtube. You can see these at the following links. This is Part One of the latest three series messages about the continuing ignorance about back pain and how to avoid it and conquer it! If the link doesn't work for some reason you can find it under SuperNutrient. Back Pain Part One: Best Wishes B. E. Vickery P.S. Apparently, we have been having trouble with our email system: the first 25 of you, by last name, will have received this message many times. We are aware of the problem and believe we have finally found the solution.
Newsletter #3 – American Institute For Cancer Research
The American institute For Cancer Research Among the rivers of communications that flow over my desk was the Newsletter from the AICR and the headline read “ AICR Presents the New Science for Cancer Prevention”. Normally I would have chucked it but having observed during the 80’s that The American Cancer Society doggedly repeated this ponderous proclamation: “There is no relationship between diet and cancer” I decided to peruse it. The sub heading was by the way, on diet, nutrition and cancer prevention. It took a congressional investigation in the 80’s to A. Shut them up and B. Change their course. The recommendations that we were making in the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s, are basically what alternative doctors had known all along. Dr. Max Gerson was one the best known and maligned for his cancer therapy. Now he has an institute. I thought that they have really come a long way because they say what we say: 1/3 protein or animal foods and 2/3 plant based foods such as vegetables fruits, whole grains and beans. They also said to keep your body fat low which is weight control. They have learned that fat produces estrogen and proteins and other compounds that cause inflammation, a risk factor for cancer. I thought that they are finally “getting it” when I read the Rules for cancer prevention. They are10 in number and were just fine but number 9. Caught my attention: It is best that mother’s breastfeed exclusively for up to six months and then add other liquids and foods. There was a time when doctors were telling young mothers that breast feeding was BAD and to go on formula right away. It is not clear if water is in the other liquids but I have seen mothers told not to give their infants WATER. If water is included in this they are still NUTS! Number 8. Shows their teeth: DON’T USE SUPPLEMENTS TO PROTECT AGAINST CANCER. Most of you who have been studying nutrition are probably not even fazed by this, understanding the situation. As you know there are WHO and UN programs and bills to take away our nutritional supplements and put them in the hands of people who don’t even have a clue that they are necessary today. The only presidential candidate who addresses this is Ron Paul as well as our security and a whole raft of issues. It brings up a question to my mind which is should we vote conscience or so called political reality. Best Wishes, Brice E Vickery, D.C.
Newsletter #2 – Belated Newsletter
Belated Newsletter Sometimes newsletters are not sent because there is nothing to say but almost the reverse is true in my case. We have some “ tigers by the tail!” which we will touch upon. First you are not customers, but Crusaders. The first crusade is to recover or maintain your own health. Secondly being in good health and recognizing the “great protein/amino acid problem most help out their own family, friends, and even strangers. We appreciate this as being more prevalent with our Platinum Plus family of products than almost any other on the planet, and it is based on solid grounds. We had a 46.1% increase in our gross sales in our year-end this fall. Unprecedented in our history this is because we had to make some hard decisions, disassociate from an unreliable distributor, Webmaster, and bring a new team, and upgrade all of our electronics. But just when we think that we can sort of “coast” an afterburner kicks in! I am sure that you have seen the headlines on the super staph, MRSA or methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. This is bad news and some say a 20% fatality rate. This caught our immediate attention since we have been learning more and more about staph for the last few years. This is because we found that despite our “by the numbers” great success with our Fibromyalgia Protocols, which we again upgraded this year, there were (as always) persons who did not respond well. Closer individual attention revealed that many of these people had one thing in common - root canal teeth, one or many. These while having virus and other infestations usually had staph aureus (SA)– “the garden variety”- in the teeth in question. Using a direct test on the tonsils, thyroid, spine, bladder, and ileocecal valve we found SA in all of these places, which did not show with a more systemic type of test. We investigated all the difficult cases and found that this was a cause of continuing pain that was not heretofore pursued to this degree. We ordered new more detailed test kits and found that those infected had it in their thyroid to a high degree; they had corresponding thyroiditis; and were on thyroid replacement therapy or it had been suggested; and many had anemia at some time; and there was great difficulty getting the pain out of the affected joints and spine. We then did testing for metals and found that the metals and toxic compounds were also located there and began to speculate that the metals were impeding the natural immune functions in that area. We started testing for metals then with renewed enthusiasm and were investigating a case that had pain in her elbows for seven years so we added zeolite to our new staph protocol (elevated Platinum Plus, Sea-Aloe Gold and vit. C) and for the first time the pain disappeared! This was after many viruses were already eliminated with our Fibromyalgia Protocols, Intensive and Super-Intensive The major thrust of this research is that it raises the question: Is it possible to be able to re-activate the thyroid and get at least a large percentage of people (some 20 million) off of their hormone replacement therapy? We have already had one person whose TSH (an indicator of thyroid production) was sky high (99) and is now 8, almost in the proper range and who has amazed her endocrinologist. This is NOT the MRSA or superstaph that we are describing but what I call the STEALTH STAPH, which is “same ol’ staph” which does not show in the blood and nobody, seems to be able to find. Our MRSA test kit will be here next week so who knows what will be found? I am telling you the latest research from which we certainly have not drawn many hard conclusions but is so exciting to drive this staph out of the body by natural means that we have to share it with you. Also we are getting ready to have our annual sale Nov.-Dec. with which we honor our Lord’s Birthday. Besides the usual flu packages we will have the new SuperFlu package and our experimental Staph Support/Prevention Package and have of course, our reason for being, Platinum Plus. So it might be time to stock up and give a sick friend a gift of health and life. By the way- check us out at YouTube! Best Regards, Dr. Brice E. Vickery
Thank you for your interest in! Below is an article describing the benefits of our Vickery Sea Plant Minerals
Dr. Brice E. Vickery
In my many years of testing people, iodine has always shown up as a very important and primary nutrient in regards to people’s health and healing. Testing has always shown an iodine deficient person to be unable to utilize their proteins properly and an iodine deficient person will remain protein deficient.
My current work with my new product, Vickery Sea Plant Minerals, has further illuminated the real importance of not just curing iodine deficiency, but bringing people to full-body iodine sufficiency. This is a two step process and may take some time.
In the past I have seen that a couple of mgs, of iodine daily will cure iodine deficiency in the person with adequate gut absorption powers. This will allow them to utilize their proteins, however it will not mean that they have full body iodine sufficiency(iodine receptors) in tissues such as breast, uterus, prostate, skin, saliva glands, stomach, colon, choroid plexus, and eye. It will also not assure that a thyroid whose receptor space is taken up with another halogen, such as bromine or fluorine, will have a full sufficiency of iodine for hormone production.
There are four halogens: iodine, bromine, fluorine and chlorine. Only iodine and chlorine are necessary to the body. We need iodine in all the aforementioned tissues ( Probably all tissues but it is concentrated here). We need chlorine in the stomach for secretion of hydrochloric acid. Chloride is also an important part of the blood’s regulation of its acid-base balance. You need chlorine to breathe.
All these halogens use the same receptors in the body. Therefore if a person’s diet is deficient in iodine the iodine receptors in the thyroid and stomach, for example, may fill up with bromine which is common in grains, bleached flour, sodas, nuts and oils as well as several plant foods. Then the person’s thyroid function is deficient and the iodide-pump in the stomach will not work efficiently either. There has been research also done on the role of insufficient iodine and breast cancer and cysts in the ovaries and uterus. A person whose sweat glands are low in iodine will have dry skin. ( It is important to note that the present “low salt” regimes leave us chloride deficient as well) Fluorine from sources such as toothpaste, certain teas, and fluoridated water will also take up receptor space.
Once this receptor space is taken up, my research shows me that it takes a certain level of iodine loading to replace the unwanted halogens with iodine, this seems to be especially so of bromine. While I have seen that around 1 to 2 mgs of iodine will allow protein metabolism to normalize, I have seen that it takes much more to remove unwanted halogens from the system.
Full body iodine sufficiency has become an item of interest to several PIONEERING doctors such as Dr. Abraham and Dr. Brownstein. Both of them have done thorough and credible research into the methods and efficiency of iodine loading in the body. Their research shows that 12.5 mgs of iodine is the minimum daily requirement for full body iodine sufficiency. I have taken this number into account when prescribing the minimum daily dosage for the Sea Minerals (12 mgs). However my testing has shown that this dosage does not remove existing bromine from the body - quickly. It appears that a loading dosage of at least 20mgs is required to begin the process of iodine dislodging the bromine( five to six Vickery Sea Plant Minerals/day). Fluorine seems to come out more easily with a lower dosage of 12 mgs over a period of time (if the people are not heavy fluoride consumers).
I usually start people on a 12 mg dosage (3 caps Sea Minerals) for a couple of months and then move them up to 24, 36 and then finally 48mgs. There are two ways of monitoring this; the urinary and saliva/urine testing, and the energy match method which we prefer for greater tissue accuracy and and exact location of storage sites. It is also no muss- no fuss – and inexpensive. Both methods give you the controls to know – What To Do! The more Sea Minerals, the faster the body seems to dislodge the bromine. If the bromine is coming out quickly there will be certain symptoms such as cloudy, sediment-filled urine, body odor, rashes and extreme fatigue. It is useful at this point to recommend ½ tsp. of sea salt in water daily as the bromine will follow the sodium out of the body, thus relieving the person more quickly of the symptoms.
I have also noted an apparent connection between bringing sufficient iodine to a bromine plugged thyroid, and the vitamin D metabolism of the body. Although I am unaware of the exact mechanism, it seems clear that the calcitonin/parathyroid hormone/Vitamin D/calcium balance in the body changes as people on iodine loading programs often register as vitamin D deficient when they did not previously. It is interesting to note that when people are given calcitonin as part of an osteoporosis program one of the side effects mentioned is a “flushing sensation of the skin” I have had two iodine loading , high bromine patients who during the lowering of their bromine levels registered as iodine deficient and mentioned “a sunburn flushed feeling on the skin of their faces, arms and back” This flushing disappeared with vitamin D3 supplementation at 2000 iu daily for a limited period of time. Just an observation.
The protein that the body uses for iodine transport (sodium iodide symporter) needs to be sufficient in quantity also in order to deal with the influx of iodine now available for utilization as the bromine and fluorine are being pushed out. A protein deficient person will not be able to do this so it is wise not to begin iodine loading until your patient is no longer protein deficient. (Vitamin C is also helpful in supporting the symporter system as shown by Dr. Abraham, although he is unaware of the protein deficiency factor.) Utilization of the Platinum Plus Essential Amino Acids should bring them up fairly quickly.
Of course, the application of both the Sea minerals and the Platinum Plus together will also cause a very rapid and thorough flushing of heavy metals such as aluminum, mercury, cadmium and lead. This is indispensable for those patients with mercury fillings, as the fillings are always putting small amounts of mercury into the system, which is rapidly cleared by the use of these two products. While I have already had great success with metal removal using just the Platinum Plus I find the use of the Sea Minerals to enhance the Platinum’s action.
While the liquid iodine Lugol’s tests well for people, it is hard to regulate the dosage. Drs Abraham and Brownstein promote the iodine tablet Ioderal, I have had one patient who could not tolerate this tablet and intend to test others presently. (When this patient was asked how she experienced iodine loading on the Vickery Sea Plant Minerals, she replied, “It’s like coming home.”)
I find the Vickery Sea plant Minerals which uses a high iodine form of organic kelp powder, to be very gentle but effective in iodine loading and supplementation as well as supplying ionic trace minerals and plant processed vitamins. Kelp is also high in the essential sugars which are an integral part of our immune proteins (gamma globulins) as well as being important in intercellular communication. Essential sugars are involved in red blood cell metabolism (although the mechanism is unclear their presence is apparent) While essential sugars are involved in many protein complexes, by themselves they also help keep bacteria such as streptococcus mutans (dental caries) and staph from finding receptor space in the body.
I have had a number of patients that continued to register iodine deficiency even after initial 12 mg supplementation with the Sea Minerals. I realized that their gut absorption must be very low due to prolonged protein deficiency. For these patients I have a product that they can use temporarily until their gut heals sufficiently to absorb the Vickery Sea Plant Minerals(We chose Laminaria Digitata because of it’s highest iodine content) This product, Sea- Aloe Gold ©, contains a mix of the Sea Minerals along with organic Aloe Barbadensis Miller(200:1) to soothe and promote a rapid healing of the gut epithelial tissue, plus promoting absorption up to 7X more than water, of the iodine. I have had tremendous success with this product since it is also fungicidal, viricidal, and bacteriacidal. It is considerably more expensive. I have also found it to be beneficial in GERD cases where stomach iodine reserves are low and the gastric mucosa inflamed, the aloe proves to be very healing and soothing to the epithelial lining of the stomach while also promoting iodine accumulation.
I also have available for doctors who are familiar with applied kinesiology and/or Electrodermal; testing, a limited amount of fluoride and bromide kits in the range of 3x-200x (11 bottles/kit ). These will help you locate the presence and location of the unwanted halogens in the body as well as determine the efficacy and direction of your program in the exit of these substances.
As always I am, available for phone consultations with doctors (803-644-0607). I am interested to hear your experiences and we need to put up your case histories with iodine supplementation and the use of Platinum Plus in your practices so that we will ultimately educate the mainstream and not just the “Emerging Science” ( FDA, FTC term) elite.
And remember - Protein Is Primary, Protein is Life!
Dr. Brice E. Vickery